
We already do. Its called "whenenver the fuck you please."

The funny thing is, he is a jerk for doing this and she is a jerk for TRYING TO DUMP THEM IN THE GARBAGE.

I had no idea people were allowed to send live chicks through the mail. That is horrible.

That last part, that is what so many fucking people miss. I mean, FOX News, America's American News Network in America, is about to run something on the guy who shot Bin Laden, Rob O'Neill. People in the SEALs community are PISSED at that guy though, because frankly that mission wasn't about him.

I mean, hopefully? Repressed sexuality ftl yo. I've always wondered why sex ed focused on "SEX BAD! CONDOM GOOD!" instead of "and for a better experience, here is how to by your favorite lube off of AdamAndEve.com."

Yah... soo.... the episode actually supported Lorde. It was to make fun of Lorde truthers, SPIN Magazine, and the whole debate over trans students bathrooms (which, really, why can't we have unisex bathrooms?)

I want to know this too.

Ok, I'm huge into the Rihanna Rihport. But, can we not do the whole "capitalize every other letter" and "stylishly (?) misspell words" thing? That was irritating.

Are you sure? I heard she may drink lattes. OH GOD A COMMIE SPY IN OUR MIDST!?

You sure it wasn't "don't shoot! I'm white!"

The wikipedia page actually has some good stuff and sources on this. It's far less "safe and reversible" than it is made out to be. And conceiving after a vasectomy, if your reversal does not work, is impossible. The only option is to freeze your sperm (which costs tens of thousands to do).

This. Everyone here is always like "why don't men get vasectomies, its reversible!" I mean, no more reversible than tubal ligation. And women who have had tubal ligation can still conceive via artificial insemination: men who have a vasectomy can't have kids unless they froze their sperm.

Whose a good boy?! Yes you are, yes you are!

2nd wave now makes up a lot of what we call "Radical Feminism." Rad-Fem kind of grew out of it, apart from 3rd wave.

I can understand Salma's position. Because, frankly, like her I am not interested in helping "women." To me feminism has always been about the undoing of the patriarchy, which isn't just about women.