Juice Goose


In 2013, he sued Apple for selling him a computer (presumably the same Macbook he attempted to marry) without pre-installed pornography filters, which he claims led to an addiction and the dissolution of his marriage to an actual woman. The complaint stated, “The Plaintiff began desiring, younger more beautiful girls

For some reason i have a feeling this will be the “Norm” in advertisement in the future.

Same here|!!!

Wow...Just.WOW !!!...That was amazing :)

LMFAO!!! It’s now 2017 and this game still hasn’t dropped !!!

I seriously think that this will be the future of ALL musical acts. I mean think about it, music industry’s would no longer have the need too deal with ass-hat “Human” musicians and they would be free to control their product in any manner they choose too. We’ve already seen the success of VR music groups such as the

DAMN!!!! What’s he smoking?

Might I recommend a nice Roquefort with with your whine sir? Or would you prefer a nice tasty helping of Opalka.

Mmmm...I really don’t know who to talk too about this. So I guess here’s a place better than any and I’m really hoping I get some honest feed back from anyone. Well Here’s the deal pickle. I’m a 41 yo married man (to a woman) we’ve been married for over 10 years now and we have two beautiful kids. Well the thing is

Or......You’re super sexy and other’s are burned by the brilliance of your beauty ;)

Ah...no..no......Just............No.............She’s just a kid.

LMFAO !!! :D

All the star’s......All the stars are for you:D

I have a word for this, I call it “Collective-American-Amnesia” It tends to happen ALOT with American’s.

Eight too ten shots´...Now forgive me for saying that doesn´t come across as a `Random act of violence` This looks as if it might have been personal.