Juice Goose

I find Lana Del Rey Suuuuuuper hot...........That’s all I have to add to this conversation..........


No....But I will :)

OMG!! This is the first game that I’ve seen that has made me want too go out and buy a PS4 ((OO))!!!

Well......... Here´s all those star´s I was saving :D

All the fucks I have to give for you are none :D

AND IN OTHER NEWS!!! WUUUUUUUUUUUTTT !!! Jordan Peele and Chelsea Perretti are a couple!!!!???

But they couldn’t save poor Dudley :(

You are my new hero !! :D


I’m hoping the mid-term election’s will be the point where we can right the ship (Or perhaps slightly tilt it up.) of America back into safer water’s. I would feel a lot more confident if I knew that Trump was hamstrung by an opposition party rather than having a full majority like he has now.


I kind of feel like if I were “The evil version of Obama” like an alternate universe version of Obama. I can’t help but think that I would be somewhere in my evil lair right now laughing maniacal whilst twirling my long mustache between my finger’s.

OMG LOL too have seen this would be the high-lite of my life :D

Signed it..Thanks ;)




I have so ,Soooooooooooo many I don’t give a fuck’s to give come Jan 20th..

Sweet mercy in heaven I will miss this family’s unwavering compassion to the American people. It is truly an honor too have lived in this moment in history to have witnessed this man’s legacy.