Ha, ha !!! :D
Ha, ha !!! :D
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........See what you did there :P
Well Russian Hooker pee is good for putting out a “Trumpster fire” .
I don’t want too live in a world where I can’t get peed on by Russian hookers...
One time I’m happy that no pics were included for detail’s and examples :(
WHAT, WHAT WHAAAAAAT!!!?? Where’s Fallout/New Vegas?
So... to all of you that just in case you aren’t clear about what you read I would like too summarize the Trump supporter’s thought’s if I could ... In essence ”We’re a bunch of fuck-wit’s and we look forward too bathing in the blood of all the world’s liberal’s” .
Ewwwwww...What did I watch :( ?
Hey!!! I live in Utrecht!!!
Yeah, yeah i get all of that....
The minute “YouTube” started letting ads in their videos it was all downhill from there IMHO...Not to sound like an old fogey but I do miss the days when “YouTube” was really only about the videos that people wanted to share. I´m just curious too why their hasn´t been a rival company to come along, someone to…
You’re doing gods work here.
And out of the Greys ‘come ye !!!!
Welcome too the darkest timeline....
You are my hero !!! :D
If Trump tries to follow through on this.........
Here’s a better idea.........How about you go fuck tour self buddy :D !!!