I recently saw a cartoon, maybe from the New Yorker, or at least in that style, that had literally the only funny pronouns joke I’ve ever seen. It featured a bunch of stereotypical looking mobster types introducing two new toughs with the words, “These guys were sent up here by the Chicago outfit. Their pronouns are…
She wasn’t going to win a star-power fight with Carl Weathers, Amy Poehler, Grogo’s puppeteer, or anyone else on that show. Maybe if she went against the teens on the weird rainbow scooters....
Like, how hard is it to just not say transphobic things at your workplace? When your whole job is speaking words other people write for you... maybe you don’t need to say anything else? How does it even come up on the set of the Mandalorian?
It was also a straw that broke the camel’s back situation.
Plus he can actually act!
Pedro Pascal has so much goodwill to burn right now, it’s insane. After Fantastic Four, he might be rivaling Tom Hanks.
Rumors at the time were that she was saying transphobic things on set, around Pedro, and even after he tried to educate her she just doubled down.
You come for the Zaddy, you will not win.
Yeah she’s too dumb to realize she’s not going to win in a star-power fight with Pedro Fucking Pascal.
I love that her lawsuit stipulates that Disney has to hire her back and write her back into the show. Good luck with that lady.
It must have been such hell being unable to defend his sister because she wasn’t ready to come out publicly.
The “boop/beep” thing was a direct insult to Pedro Pascal, after he put pronouns in his bio as a show of support for his trans sister. Publicly attacking the star of the hugely successful show you somehow landed a part on is exactly the kind of stupid-as-shit career move that leads directly to working for Ben Shapiro.
Yeah I remember that being really the biggest part of all of it. She was super anti-trans and I think Pascal even tried to talk her rationally about it at first, but after repeatedly going down that hole, he definitely went to the Disney powers and said to tell her to get the fuck out
Which isn’t even getting to the biggest part yet: the actual star of the show she appeared in has become a superstar over the course of it, famously has a trans sister whom he truly loves and supports in every way, and presumably told their bosses: “shut her up or get her the fuck off my show.” And, not being idiots,…
“and, hopefully, bring her back from the dead.”
“Look, it’s a niche superpower but it’s the only one I’ve got. I’m just trying to make it work, dammit.”
I think the reason the original movie works and no sequel ever has is that Brandon Lee’s Crow was actually pretty multi-faceted. He had a dark sense of humor that was barely masking his rage, underlaid by a world weariness that gave you the strong sense that he just wanted this whole thing done with.
Every other…
Uh, Brandon Lee. Jason Lee is different guy and very much alive.
In this version he dies after getting ripped on bath salts and chasing an iguana into a canal, where he gets chewed up by a boat propeller.