
What more could you want?

Lessee... 280 miles divided by 25 minutes is 11.2 miles traveled per minute. 11.2 times 60 gives us 672mph.

Now playing

Here’s a current working link for the video:

I’m MichaelD, and I approve this message.

Damn, Torch. You’re a seriously awesome writer. This is easily the best minivan review I’ve ever seen since I became a car nut at age 12 (I’m 41).

Pro tip: when buying multiple cars, make sure one of them is no more than five years old. It’s likely to be the one left running when the others are down for the count.

Interestingly enough, it looks like a perfectly acceptable track day toy to me. I’d get rid of the “01" on the sides, but other than that I like it.

Love the lede GIF; awesome, funny and slightly terrifying at the same time.

How do you manage to stay awake while driving it?

Same here with my 2012 Focus.

Does anyone mourn for the death of the sedan?

COTD for the entirety of Gawker Assets.

Let me get this straight: $1ooK and I don’t even get 500 horsepower? Seriously? Come on, Lexus! Get with the program!

Sounds like an excellent reason to not buy a Nissan. Not that I needed another, given the snooze-fest their lineup is.

My April-2011-production 2012 Focus SEL was a rental. It’s treated me well since I bought it in early March 2013, and was a good deal ($15K for a vehicle with 23000 miles on the clock, that sold new for $22K) I got lucky, I know... but sometimes buying a former rental is a good thing.

It’s too bad that story didn’t happen in post 9/11 USA. It would have been awesome to hear that passenger ended up behind bars, even if it were only overnight.

From this angle, that Jag is far prettier than anything else currently on the market full stop.

Glad I’m not the only one who liked the ES250. I got to drive a brand-new one before I got my license thanks to a permissive dad and a weekend-loan test drive. IMO, it was worth the money only because it was a heckuva lot nicer-looking than a Camry XLE, and had better entertainment options.

Plenty. I see ‘em all the time, and a lot are kept in very good shape. They’re really a pretty decent car, actually. My brother owns one and it’s OK.

1st Gear: Shitboxes? Seriously, Patrick? I think you’re just bitter that GM banned you from driving any of their press cars. Try to keep it out of the wall next time, eh?