
Exactly. The center console makes this useless, wasted space actually practical and makes it feel like you’re in a car, not on a side-by-side bike.

Its my experience that cars with an open floor plan, so to speak, kind suck because you can’t use the space. What’s the point of putting feet down there if there is no center seat (that’s a whole other thing) and anything you put down there for storage is just asking to slide all over the place and cause issues. To

I hate this ad viscerally.

What I think the real moral of the story here is the guy who was hoarding all those parts, but died before doing anything with them (using them or selling them).

$2,000,000 / 5000 miles is $400 per mile to drive this car. In-effing-credible.

Dude needs to keep the Rondo for his daughter and get himself something new. 2008 cars were plenty safe and the Rondo is plenty ugly, so no concerns if she enhances its appearance by cutting it a bit too close in a parking garage.

You sure you don’t mean a U-Pick gift card and rust accelerator?

The Drive just needs to hook Tracy up with discount Jeep parts and maybe throw in a 55-gallon drum of rust inhibitor and they got him.

Driver free or Die
Take the bus because cars are evil unless its electric cars which we will shove down your throat. 

Y’all dumped on Dave Ramsey a couple months ago, but man, I think this guy needs a little Dave Ramsey. 

 They know who their target market is: Men with small penises.

Hey guys,

Shilling really is the biggest hack on Jalopnik.

You pretty much summed it up. My favorite part was this:

OK, just let me get this straight. GM is selling cheap EV’s in China, made for China, in China and couldn’t possibly sell them in America do to pretty much everything from regulations, cost, and and actual market segment that doesn’t exist in America, so fuck them for not doing this. GM then makes partnerships with

Some people have what I call “car blindness”. They can see the color of a car, but that’s about it. No other details register. My wife has this affliction. I consider it almost crippling.

You spelled Dodge wrong

GO Media; willing to put 100 ads on every article, still too cheap to pay for PollDaddy Pro.

Props to whoever built this, as damn but it looks real . . . at least from 10 feet away.

I know this isn’t very Jalop of me (brown manual diesel wagon and all), but why the F would anyone buy a diesel these days unless whatever country they are in heavily subsidized diesel fuel? If you want economical (and therefore you mostly drive with a light right foot), you can get a 1.5L turbo four engine that still