
Yeah... I opened this article to get an idea of whether I ought to start watching the show, because AV Club's TV reviews are usually on point IMO. But this is a Wikipedia episode description with a letter grade stamped on it. I'm... kinda mystified, actually.

Did anyone else feel that Young-ja was in love with Ji-ah, and that part of her speech about it being okay to be different was not about her being communist, but about her being a lesbian? The way she touched Ji-ah seemed quite revealing to me.

This review completely overlooks the fact that Tic shoots one of the innocent nurses in cold blood. The third episode in a row where one of the protagonists inflicts unnecessary harm to someone (Ruby raping the store manager with a stiletto, Montrose murdering Yahima). As much as I love this show, I don’t understand

Am I the only one who was watching with closed captioning on, and therefore noticed that the credits rolling isn’t the end? As they roll, the captions say the car is trying to rumble to life. Maybe some symbolic Spring-like rebirth thing? The sun is out, the snow is melting, maybe the janitor character survived and

The original person doesn’t have to molt to transform, that’s what happens when you shed the skin of the secondary person. We didn’t see how much it takes for Ruby to become Hillary, only for Hillary to turn back into Ruby. And Christina/William said it becomes easier with time.

We see the instantaneous change when Christine is followed in her car by those 2 guys (I forget if they were detectives or what). She walks into the house and seconds later William walks out and beats the crap out them

This show is proof that telling the story of someone not like you in a poor, tone deaf manner is in no way exclusive to white folks.

I haven’t watched much television this summer, but now I’ve got appointment TV back. God I love Jude Law and Emily Watson. However...

There are a lot of weird plot holes and things just dropped. It feels like they’re just speeding through somethings, or they forgot things brought up in previous episodes.

“Montrose queasy rape-is-love cliched violence. I’m not gay, but, man, ain’t there more prep that goes in to that than spitting in your hand? Is this extremely graphic anal raping content germane to the plot or just exploitative?”

isn’t giving Black women credit for being able to handle their business in a civilized manner

How can Blondie boy and Blondie girl be the same when we’ve seen them exchange appearance in scenes in an instant, but now discover it is an entire bloody, molting mess to make that exchange.”

I have the same issues with the show. It’s really trying to check as many boxes as it can at the expense of telling one story right. And that rape scene was tasteless, even if the victim was an awful racist jerk.

The show, the reviewer and most of the commenters here are prioritizing intersectional analysis above everything else that is usually considered necessary for good stories/shows.

Does that white guy changing shirts have a black torso? Ugh c’mon!..I kept rolling back to see if that was the case too. What’s with the object placed in the desk and who was the poor tortured creature hanging in the closet????? So many loose threads.

Ruby never applied for the salesgirl job as ‘Ruby’. She talked a mean game about it to her sister but by the time she actually found the courage, she saw Tamara was already hired and knew the store wouldn’t hire two black women so she never even submitted her resume. She and we find out that Tamara wasn’t hired for

I already addressed much of what you said earlier (and to varying degrees, to agree) but... Yeah that black torso comment lost me. We could only sorta see him but he did seem to be covered in tattoos—was that a signifier for a black torso in the 1950s (or even now)?? I thought it could just go to further show that the

So we have an episode that addresses allegedly how easier life would be, how much more satisfying it would be to throw away one’s blackness and ancestry in pursuit of a career and with it pride selling goods at a department store? That through the most hilarious exercises in body horror and amplified sound effects of

Yeah, I really liked the first episode, but every subsequent episode has been scattershot, and it often feels like they’re rushing when they should be building suspense.

I was mostly on board for the first half, but by the time they got to the high school, I just wanted it to end, and it kept going and going.