
I hope her next productions feature some of those same clever ideas like her other series, like an entire plot derived from a group of women guiltily conspiring to cover up the crime of a friend - when the friend actually committed no crime, and in fact was a demonstrable hero.
Or, having a murder mystery where

So when does AV Club start it’s own official Blind Item page? Oooooo...

I’ve tried to keep some glimmer of hope alive for this site.... but this article and the ensuing comments pretty much marks it as dead. This place used to be about discussing entertainment and writing and performing....but that’s been over for awhile. Now it’s a home for whining about various hot-button outrage /

His “iffy” stories about Downs stem from his own family. He volunteers at Special Olympics and has great relationships with Downs relatives and family.  Get over yourself. 

Aside from the ultimately marginal appearance and effect of the sets, the director completely failed to impart a feeling to those viewers of the lower 48 what it is like to live in an small town enveloped in winter and eternal night. They NEVER implied what time of day it was so that the viewer felt an ominous eternal

Few shows have been so polarizing, but even in light of ad hominem attacks about being an misogynist, an incel, an asshole... I stand by my opinion that this show was crap. Not because it delved in to Inuit womens’ issues and pollution, but because 1) It was pitched to the viewer as a True Detective crime story with

Exactly. I try to remind people what a shitshow the finale was and how average-to-poor the second half was in general. Revisionist history has people making like it was the greatest story ever told.

What? He’s not wrong. It was crap on so many levels. An inconsequential killer. A ludicrous, expository evidentiary device about a years-old receipt for a can of paint from a hicktown hardware store. A silly labyrinth maze from nowhere - and dumbest of all, MM getting piked up the gut and suspended in the air - then

Have we gotten to the part where they discover documents, with signatures.  

They should have set the piece in Australia. Then you would have plausibility for everyone dying. 

This scenario and these comments probably bring out the worst part of the Left - the self-destructive pedants. The Right does not have an equivalent to bring them down, whereas our Left has this self-absorbed element that lives to shoot itself in the foot with bullshit to make themselves feel superior. Go suck a bag


No, the most insufferable are the ones who insist a person who fucks in public for cash makes a great political candidate, no matter the fact that it will make them un-electable and hand said election to the other party.  But, yeah, wave that porn banner and shame all your allies that want to win elections.

No, you’re not off base here at all. She made herself un-electable as a public figure because of her poor judgment. But that whiny, pedantic fringe of our communal Left will shoot all of us in the foot with their unique kind of impractical stupidity. The Right is disgusting enough to embrace ANYONE, including

Glad you agree, thanks.

I liked the build up of Episode 1, and the prologue of Episode 2 much more than the cliched, snark-driven action 23 years later. It was really intense watching the little bit of build up - the radio reports, freaky Grandma, the crazy city residents. Really well written and directed if all too brief. They could have

I recall a similar abuse of geography in X-Files where people were driving from downtown DC all over Northern VA, across bridges jammed with panic-stricken people, all the way down 95 - in like 5 minutes. Also like “24" several times where they could drive for MILES and MILES in 5 minutes - in LA and DC. 

Wow, so tell us you live in your mom’s basement and dream of murdering her in her sleep without telling us you live in your mom’s basement and dream of murdering her in your sleep.

Jesus Christ.....internet or not, some people have no interpersonal skills whatsoever.

Nobody thinks about the Coke bottle....

Your comment was judiciously apropos in the sense that a Neanderthal crustacean would find it exasperatingly obtuse if said during an aventure sexuelle on a Tuesday afternoon in February.