
There a lot of “white bros” who used to like the AV Club when it was less whatever it is. Basically the same “white bros” who used to be IN an AV Club in high school.

Maybe I’m misunderstanding you or maybe you misunderstood Gillis?

Okay, grandpa. Lol. This isn’t 1999, you don’t need to star in a sitcom to be famous. He sells out every stand up show he does, he has a huge comedy podcast, he appears on every other giant comedy podcast. He’s famous among young people, not elderly guys who can’t find their clicker. 

The louder people of the internet have spoken, life is a binary choice where you have to pick a side. Even finding some small portion of a person’s identity defensible, which some group despises, means you have something wrong with your mental state. 

No the most important thing about comedy is how inclusive it is and how much it shits on white dudes. This site is utter dreck. No wonder it’s so dead now. 

oh no, not bro humor...whatever that is. SNL obviously made a mistake firing him as he’s pretty big now, “off color” BRO humor and all. it’s almost as if most people don’t judge comics on their politics. huh.

He seems like a jovial guy and it was a fun episode. Quite different from all the “racist makes demeaning jokes about people with disabilities“ buildup some people have tried to make happen.
I’d go for a B, because there wasn’t a single sketch I wanted to fast forward through (except for the cold open of course).

“Alexandra Daddario’s physique”

Blah blah blah blah blah.   It was fucking awful.  And the best part of the last episode was that it was the last episode.  They couldn’t even do a full 10 episodes because it was all absolute go nowhere bullshit.  Fuck everything about it.

It’s misogynistic to pretend women can’t make B- television. 

Sorry for potential spoilers. I assumed everyone reading the comments about a TV show that just finished would have already seen it.

“Little occult” might be the understatement of the year. Season 4 straight up had ghosts. I figured they’d tried to explain it as hallucinations induced by the toxic water supply or something but they didn’t. They just straight up had ghosts. I’m not sure what the writers were thinking but they completely jumped the

Bro, not the point. All are valid criticisms that have nothing to do with gender/race. OP asked for examples. Examples provided.

Time is a flat circle of orange peels lmfao. What a joke.

The season didn’t suck because of female empowerment or whatever, it sucked because the pacing was terrible, the supernatural elements were ham-fisted, the interpersonal drama varied wildly in quality, the ties to season one were goofy and unnecessary, and the whole interaction between the research station and the

I suspect you may have missed that after what some felt was unjustified criticism of the first couple episodes, someone set up an entirely new subreddit, TDNightCountry, that made it a point to moderate the dogwhistling and was generally filled with positive comments about the show. It apparently became the the

Thank you. I don't know what others in these comments were watching. This whole season was a hot mess. I hate sticking with a show hoping it gets better, only to watch it totally crash and burn in the spectacular fashion I suspected it might.

Well, at least now I understand why the entire “ice cave” looked exactly like molded plastic and plastic sheeting on a warm, blatantly-fake set.

You should do a piece on how fucking awful it was. 

I like the suggestion that they considered shooting in alaska but thought iceland would be better. that’s incredibly stupid if true, but it’s far more likely that the iceland shoot was imposed for budgetary reasons.

...or that she has a PROVEN HISTORY of breaking up multiple relationships. Bottom line, she as a single person shouldn’t be making herself readily available to someone that’s married end of story.