
This is a dumb post and you should feel bad for posting it. Minus 5 stars.

All three of those things you said are correct. So Joe Flacco, having nothing to do with any of those, deserves to have a traumatic brain injury?

I’m for anything that kills racist trump supporters.

Donald Trump and Anthony Davis have very little to do with this IMO.

Probably the feet too; they’re important here.

Holy fuck what is that first sentence

The best former athlete on the show was Scot Pollard (who the article somehow doesn’t mention) who was a fucking full fledged villain. He would pour water on their fire as “psychological warfare” and then he got owned in an amazing blindside.

Every day, I realize more and more that the election of this man represents some kind of great surrendering by a huge chunk of Americans, that they basically stopped caring if the most powerful man in the most powerful country/ economy ever could actually do his job with even a tiny amount of competence or training,

Leads with his shoulder? Dafuq? Look at 1:35 in the video, just pause it, Trevathan’s whole body is following his head. Fucker was pissed and absolutely head-hunting.

I guess I’m EXTREMELY not sure how you see that as leading with the shoulder. His shoulders are squared behind his head, and the crown of his helmet impacts Adams’s face mask. That’s about as head-hunting as head-hunting gets.

Elite level comment.

The only statue in Baltimore that could use more protection is Joe Flacco.

White people: Fighting to remove statues of minorities who offended their flag and anthem, yet also fighting to uphold the statues of men who fought to destroy the flag and anthem. Oh and child molester enablers. They want statues of child molester enablers to stick around too.

Hopefully no one takes a stab at trying to remove it.

To be fair, Trump is definitely an expert on businesses going to hell.

Can you all stop flogging this point?

So Sean Spicer found a new job already. Cool.

Can we talk about the absurdity of unfurling a field-sized flag for a fucking regular-season game? Christ, the NFL has the most toxic brand of patriotism.

I know we’ve all blocked it from our memories but I’m pretty sure last year still happened.

I don’t know. That seems like it’d be a more convincing argument in a world where 35% of the country wasn’t looking at Trump and approving of the job he was doing as President.