
Wow, this is the most wrong thing I’ve ever read.

That’s nothing, the Giants hold a AAA outfield meeting every game.

What in the goddamn hell is CC complaining about? If you can’t field your position, you shouldn’t be out there. And if you can, what do you care if he wants to stupidly take the bat out of his own hands? Of all the dumb “unwritten” baseball shit, this is definitely the dumbest.

I’m fine with ice zombies and dragons. I’m not ok with plot holes you could drive through. How did the night king plan on breaching the wall without a dead dragon with Godzilla breath? Cause that seemed like some pure ass luck on his part. If the rhager stark marriage was recorded in a manner easy to find, how the

I really don’t know why D&D felt it necessary to accelerate the plot so drastically. Maybe it’s some behind the scenes political or contractual stuff, but they easily could have gone at least three more seasons if not four, and maybe got some more help from GRRM. The difference between seasons 1-3 and 6-7 is extreme,

After his career-threatening injury, of course.

Found this on my ‘Deadspin’ feed....

This whole Ravens/Kaepernick discussion makes me think about how fickle these narratives are.

I’ve never ridden a subway in NYC, so I don’t know how common this is. But putting your bare feet on one of those seats has to be gross right? Seems gross.

As a white person, I’d like to say... no... nevermind.

I dont like this false equivalency. The Dems are a political party, ive got some issues with them...but comparing them to the GOP at this point is just nonsense. Nixon sabotaged the Paris talks, Reagan negotiated with Iran to get them to hold back hostages they were willing to release, W. Bush won via law suit when

You seem pretty high too.

You don’t? “Now watch this drive”. Don’t you remember GW said that? Right after being busted (but not impeached) after having lied the country into launching a land war in the middle east? Because I remember. I even remember that Richard Nixon deliberately sabotaged the Paris Paeace Talks in 1968.

Ray Lewis says so many words yet says nothing.

Wow, I would’ve expected Bisciotti to be the dunkee.

“Some of y’all can count TO TEN?!”

The fact that he was falsely accused of a crime is just further proof that Whitehead isn’t Cowboys material.

Sure, Eckersley doesn’t know how rough it is on pitchers today. David Price has completed 16 of his 259 career starts, and Eckersley completed 17.

Fox News is already declaring this a War on Rasmus

Didn't watch the video, did you?