This Jeep ad killed it
This Jeep ad killed it
It was Dodge Ram for decades. I know they stupidly changed the name a couple years ago, but I still call them Dodge trucks. Mostly out of spite.
Aww I loved her in The Producers, actually.
Yvan Eht Nioj
Evidently, the OP is clearly a burner troll since if you look at his comment history, his only comments are on this article.
“It is you implying the people living in shitholes are shit people, not me.”
AC is a $1300 option? WTF?
I mean, you did make a lot of similarities, but the Millenium Falcon was an armed freight ship. An agile one, but still a freight ship.
He’s probably drunk already.
They will not listen, they’re paid too much by their owners. When things like living human beings lives were in jeopardy with the health care bill, they ignored people’s cries for help and voted for what they had been paid for. There were congress and senate members who didn’t even bother to read the bill, they just…
Wait. But isn’t Heroes of the Storm already a conglomeration of Blizzard IPs?
Is that... lego Richard Branson?
Alternatively, you could just not buy the games while respecting the intellectual property rights of games generally. A game not being worth the price is common. Piracy in response to that is not an ethical choice because you get something (the experience of playing the game) for nothing, and without the makers’…
I skip Life in Aggro almost every week nowadays because of their “panel-less” comic layout. I get that they’re trying to be artistic, but it makes them annoying to read.
A friendly reminder that vets dont need you to get offended for them.
Property taxes do not equal HOA, sorry.
AndrosZ got it right with a shorter, pithier take than what I will offer, but:
Offering add-on content (or even standard in-game content) that memorializes a fallen member of the development team—or the fan community that supported the game—is a really neat, touching way for developers to demonstrate the humanity…
I think Shannon Sharpe has the best take on this so far:
Even if Valve still made games, a TF3 would be a terrible idea. TF2 is developed continually, albeit slowly due to a small development team. A sequel would only be warranted if there were something huge that needed to be added and could not be in the original game.
Good matte painters will use a combination of CG with matte painting. Yes paintings are expensive, but jobs are acquired by the reputation of the painter. I used to be a digital compositor for Game of Thrones.