Michael Crider

Say what you will about Fortnite’s gameplay or its grey goo absorption of every last tiny bit of pop culture, but the original design work they do for costumes and characters is solid. I love how the bits of cyber-armor mirror the layout of Dwayne Johnson’s Samoan-style tattoos.

Is the problem is only “aerosol spray deodorants and antiperspirants,” maybe don’t use a header image that’s exclusively the rub-on stick kind.

I’ve never seen a game (or any kind of media) with so much lore, so much story, and so little actually going on. I know you can read for days about the various stock characters they have, but it all just goes in and out of my brain like elevator music.

I played for an hour and didn’t progress from level 0 to level 1.

Responsibility is one of God’s greatest gifts to mankind”

This makes me feel things.

Now playing

The machinima shorts practically write themselves.

Whaddya talkin’ about, Half-Life got a new game last year!

That was before the MAGA era. Now the law is whatever the people in control say it is. 

Because you can’t wear a Ferrari. 

This reminds of that recurring guy in Community, who basically rented out his identity to Subway and Honda. Jake From State Farm is now that actor’s legal name, a la Jennifer Government. 

DAMN that’s ugly.

DAMN that’s ugly.

Show me one example where someone was arrested for having an “opinion,” not direct illegal action. 

A direct “are you cheating?” question is certainly an expeditious solution. But it’s worth remembering that if someone’s willing to lie to their partner, they’re definitely willing to lie to someone they just met.

Burton has been a public figure for 40 years. It’s not impossible that he’s done something awful, but at this point do you really think that’s the case? 

People who know more about this than me: has there ever been a live action and/or western adaptation of an anime that was as good as the original?

You’re a child. 

There seems to be a manga and/or anime series for every possible obscure sport. 

there’s actually a fairly new romance and badminton series in Shonen Jump

It’s not an arbitrary metric. Twitch has made it clear they don’t want porn or erotica on their network. Anyone who sees that and decides they’re going to do it anyway is an asshole.

There’s a whole internet of porn out there to enjoy. Do so, free of judgement, and keep it off the places that don’t want it.