It would cost me $30,000 a year to move from the DFW area to NYC. I’d really enjoy working for Kotaku, but most writers would lose money by accepting either of those jobs.
It would cost me $30,000 a year to move from the DFW area to NYC. I’d really enjoy working for Kotaku, but most writers would lose money by accepting either of those jobs.
I don’t think 4K is necessary for Nintendo’s current generation of games. They know their limits and they design for them.
I think the 3DS’s relative lack of success can be laid squarely at the feet of mobile gaming coming into the limelight. For every system, piracy is a tiny fraction of its userbase.
It almost seems like letting any nutjob with a pulse have unlimited guns might be a bad idea.
My hopes for Dva or Tracer seem pretty slim, since even Blizzard barely cares about Overwatch anymore.
Is there really such a thing as “over-the-top” when we’re talking about a giant robot crossover game?
How long is it going to be before someone starts printing up little PCBs, so we can slide some MX switches beneath the keys and use this thing as a real keyboard?
I think geolocating is cheating if you’re using it for an advantage over other players.
Like pooping.
“Yang Van, general manager of the Shanghai Dragons, posted a lengthy statement on Weibo in which he reaffirmed the tenets of the One China policy—the political idea that Taiwan is not its own nation but instead an indivisible part of China—and that, “Competitive sports should remain pure sports and shouldn’t be used…
You can fit any animal into a tiny ball if you try hard enough.
Skul: The Hero Slayer is a good time on Steam. Scratched the itch for roguelike 2D combat I had after finishing Dead Cells.
Ooh, I’ve never seen a keyboard in a conventional format with a single-side tilt like that. Really makes sense if you’re gaming with only one hand 95% of the time.
As an older(?) gamer who got into Fortnite for a year or so, I don’t think even Epic cares about the ongoing story. It’s kind of like a Smash Bros. story mode, just the barest sliver of narrative to enable them to bring in a bunch of weird designs and crossovers.
I’ve never really cared about Transformers, even before the movies.
The lack of microtransactions is cool, but I think you’ve missed a crucial element of whether others should play this when (and if) it comes to other platforms. Presumably you’re already paying for Apple Arcade, and thus the extra cost to play this fun but admittedly frivolous game is zero.
From appearance fees and royalties
>He receives the money directly from his subs.
No matter how much (or how little) he makes off this subathon, Ahgren will remain a rich person who takes a chunk of his money directly from people who are poorer than him.