Michael Crider

That actually sounds fun to me. Not because I’m a Star Wars fan, but because the lightsaber in Fortnite makes the game less gun-focused AND less building-focused, since you can demolish structures in a second or two.

Looks nice. 

Why? WHY? What could they have in the usual short campaign and multiplayer maps that could need that much data? 

So it seems like someone saw the Nemesis system in Shadow of Mordor, decided it was great (it was!), and thought it would be even better if you could play as the orcs you recruited.

Weird. It seems like Pokemon Go is still going strong as a mobile game, at least here in the States.

I have not thought of Angela Anaconda in 20 years.

If you’re worried about loot crates or pay-to-win systems, it seems EA has learned its lesson and none of that stuff is in the game. The only way to unlock new ship parts and cosmetics is by leveling up to earn both unlock tokens and in-game cosmetic currency, or completing challenges to unlock just the currency. No

Hey, I’ve been there. That’s Rogue Brick in Fort Worth, Texas. A cool indie space for LEGO building. 

I’ve never owned a Madden game, but I am 100% here just to see the “keep politics out of games” crowd’s heads explode. 


If you have one bad cop and a good cop who refuses to stop him, you have two bad cops.

These are great if you’re transitioning from console to PC gaming, and aren’t ready to let go of the analog stick yet. Also good if you’ve got a keyboard you like for typing, but which isn’t great for twitchy games. 

These are great if you’re transitioning from console to PC gaming, and aren’t ready to let go of the analog stick

About fifteen bucks per colon dot.

I’m pretty sure this is a different Batgirl---in the Arkham game timeline, Barbara Gordon is already Oracle, and we see her in front of her computers in the trailer. 

Surely instead of this convoluted free-to-try, perpetually shifting, ever-nebulous games-as-a-service model it would be simpler to just, you know, make a new game and sell it to people straight. 

But Epic still sets the terms. If 2K said “actually, we’re not going to give you anything, we’ll sell our game via PayPal and still let players download from your servers,” do you think Epic would be fine and dandy with that? 

Tim Sweeney literally runs a game store. In which he collects a portion of all purchases before paying the remainder to publishers.

It’s almost impressive that you can be this full of shit and still breathing. 

Now playing

Scars of Time from Chrono Cross. I know it’s considered an inferior sequel, but man, that jump to CD-quality music is [chef’s kiss]

Um, no, you’re not reading that right. I’m saying that pressing a button on a controller to kill a real human being is no morally different from pulling a trigger on a gun to kill a real human being.