Michael Crider

In the Carmel tank, we see the perfect encapsulation of concerns brought up during previous integrations of gaming technology with military equipment: weaponizing the inherent desensitization of video games to turn young men and women into more capable and efficient killers.

Awesome. I’m setting my calendar for the pre-order now. 

I’d be interested, if there was some way of getting SNES and Genesis games on there without too much performance hit. Maybe some kind of GBA ROM cart with built-in emulation, designed to run on the original hardware? 

News to me, too. That’s very impressive. 

The Belkin N52te, later the Razer Nostromo, eventually the Tartarus/Orbweaver. Helped me transition from pure console gaming to PC gaming by slowly weaning off of controller to WASD.

This looks like everything I wanted from the PC version. I’m really looking forward to it. 

People who pay these yearly sports games must have a much higher tolerance for modern industry bullshit like microtransactions and price shenanigans. 2K and EA seem to pile them on those titles, assuming (apparently correctly?) that they’ll just keep selling more and more.

Maybe Twitch has finally realized that the platform is big enough that it doesn’t need to indulge individual celebrity assholes to survive.

I was interested in this when I saw the trailers, but hearing that you can boost your weapons with paid, temporary upgrades kills my enthusiasm. That’s some mobile game bullshit that I will not tolerate in any competitive scenario. I just get too frustrated at the imbalance.

I wish gadgets like this one and the VMU, the little Pokemon companions, and other game-on-the-go thingies would make a comeback. I want bonuses for walking around, durnit. Phones and smartwatches would be a perfect and cheap platform for virtual versions. 

If you have a bad cop and a good cop who does nothing to stop him, you have two bad cops. 

I think the biggest fundamental problem with police, aside from the obvious over-arming and lack of oversight, is that a position of power will always attract people who crave power. Politics is the same way, but politicians don’t have the option to straight-up kill people as an option in every professional encounter.

Good drama, certainly. You can do that even with normal cops and criminals---see The Wire. Good irreverent comedy, I don’t think so. At least not with the focus on caring characters that the show has had thus far. 

But then you’d have people who are ostensibly public servants now working exclusively for monetary compensation. No need to respect everyone’s rights, no need to protect anyone but the highest bidder. That’s fine for something like Archer, but for these characters it would present a lot of conflicting issues. 

The basic idea here is that the show is about good people, and we want to see them do good things. I’d like to think that being a good person and an American cop aren’t mutually exclusive.

I’d say the Iron Man suits make “sense” in your brain because it’s, you know, a suit. The idea is that it’s just bits stuck on a person, as opposed to a person inside a very small mech suit. The lore says mech suit, the visuals say fancy clothes, more like football pads than medieval armor. 

Ugh, for their first light gun game they have to go with the lowest common denominator. Give me an early Area 51 or Virtua Cop. 

Weird that the “Amazon Exclusive” PC edition has to be shipped to you. Is it even physical media, or are they just shipping a card with the download code? That would be pretty wasteful.

Weird that the “Amazon Exclusive” PC edition has to be shipped to you. Is it even physical media, or are they just

That promo image is almost literally unbelievable. On my hand that would be a one-inch screen.