Not my morals, just my expression. If you’re upset that someone calls you childish, then don’t speak (or write) like a child.
Not my morals, just my expression. If you’re upset that someone calls you childish, then don’t speak (or write) like a child.
I didn’t say he was a terrible person, or that the actors shouldn’t have accepted money from him. But if you’re the kind of childish gamerbro who’ll use the phrase “salty as shit,” something tells me you aren’t exactly a saint.
Nobody begrudges him the opportunity to make cool stuff, or even hang out with famous people. It’s inserting himself into this movie, putting himself on the same level as martial arts masters, that’s incredibly tacky and reeks of thoughtlessness. Especially since he’s posted it to the Internet for the world to see how…
So if I watch a 20-minute video of a rich guy masturbating, I’ll get pretty much the same experience.
So now $60 games (or $80 or $100 for the “real” full game, plus DLC) are using the time sink approach to in-app purchases that have made mobile gaming largely unplayable. Great.
Is it possible that the voice-over recording was done before any of the art was finalized, or that the voice artist just didn’t visually see the character at all? Because based on the design, you’d think they’d play it more mature or ethereal, but that just sounds like a child. It’s hard to reconcile.
minimum wage (as we know it) isnt meant to support a living.
Of course it’s exploitative, it’s an aspirational career with a ton of talented, qualified applicants. Most singers and actors in the US can’t support themselves on performing alone, for broadly the same reason. The animation outsource studios in China and Korea are basically sweatshops that make primetime TV instead…
I was thinking the same thing. Can’t be a coincidence that this LEGO astronaut has flowing golden locks and a brown beard.
You know what honest people say when they’re accused of something they didn’t do?
New York City needs to break off into its own tiny state, so they can be the little fiefdom that they already think they are. They can call it “Culusopolis ex Americanus” if they need a new name.
zombie pharaohs
What’s being alleged are pretty clear cases of sexual assault, with possible violations of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act. So yes, that’s behavior that could be criminally investigated and charged, even if the actual communication and activities are covered under a civil NDA. It appears that no one has…
The firm, which is valued at $2.6 trillion
There’s no civil NDA that can keep you from reporting or seeking charges for illegal activity. You’ll probably get sued, of course - lawyers can attempt to sue for anything at any time - but it’ll get thrown out the minute the judge is told that the information is related to an active criminal case.
Damn. My grandma made me work for all of those, painting thousands of feet of pipe fencing in the Texas summer. (She did supply the AA batteries for my GBC for free, though, which probably cost more than the handheld and Pokemon Blue after a couple of months.)
I don’t think he’s even that liberal, he just has common sense and a low tolerance for bullshit. He doesn’t fall into the bullying tactics that try to force people into equating the Bible and the Constitution.
It’s so great. From the same people who make Wallace and Gromit and Chicken Run.
Good. This is the decision that should have been made in the first place.