Michael Crider

The latest episode makes it pretty clear what her problem is: she’s got the exact same personality type as Rick, the same tendency to over-analyze and dehumanize pretty much every aspect of her life, but she’s trying to be normal and healthy. Whereas Rick’s reaction to his intractable viewpoint is to be as abnormal

That’s true. I don’t really want a third Team Fortress (I’ve got Overwatch for that), I just want Valve to be a real developer and publisher again. Endless iteration on free-to-play titles and pseudo-gambling mechanics, at the expense of actual artistic work and new ideas, is incredibly frustrating.

This will be a cool option to explore in Team Fortress 3.

I meant it was more about time and money than anything else. CG modelling is dirt cheap, lowest bidder-style work (at least on Hollywood scales), while matte background paintings are done by extremely skilled conventional artists in a highly specialized niche. I can only guess, but my guess is that those paintings are

Damn, I never would have guessed they’d rely on such classic techniques. I assumed that pretty much everything was inexpensive CG at this point.

Special editions are just another way to increase profitability, like microtransactions or pre-order bonuses. It was only a matter of time before they started cutting corners to make some more.

I’m sure they don’t. That’s fine. But since I enjoy both fictional and real firearms, I’d love to see some working replicas.

Presumably it’s a non-firing prop. Which is a real shame - it looks like you could make that gun in real life with a Chiappa Rhino and a lot of skilled work.

Ummm.... I think you’re commenting in the wrong article, mate.

Now playing

Between this and the anime intro for Doomfist, this just makes me want an Overwatch cartoon all the more.

I don’t think they care about news or politics in any way, they’re just grabbing low-hanging fruit. Make up BS news that they know a large portion of the Facebook readers will eat up and share, reap the traffic benefits and advertising revenue, and add a sad little disclaimer at the bottom of the page to cover your

It’s chocobos all the way down.

Man, I wish the bigger 840 drives had a bit more flexibility in their pricing. The 1TB and 2TB versions seem to have hovered in the same expensive range for years.

Man, I wish the bigger 840 drives had a bit more flexibility in their pricing. The 1TB and 2TB versions seem to have

Sorry, I skipped your last response yesterday because I honestly don’t care what you think. But going through my Kinja notifications I happened to see this page-long manifesto, and I couldn’t resist the irony of someone sputtering obscenities and frothing vitriol telling the other guy to “fucking grow up.” Thanks for

So is Moses. He’s on the roster.

And? Putting patriarchal figures like Moses in a fighting game is still sacrilege. Jesus is deified by Christians, and there are specific rules in the Bible about dishonoring God in any way. Buddha’s entire life principle was opposed to violent conflict of any kind. This game is specifically intended to be insulting.

Yes, and that’s the point isn’t it: it’s okay to offend every religion except Islam, because a small percentage of its followers are A-OK with murder. Pardon me for leaning on a cliche, but the terrorists are literally winning.

It’s worth noting that Mohammed is not portrayed in the game.

Ah, this makes so much sense. All those black guys who died first in every action or horror movie weren’t pushovers, they were just playing on Legendary.

So you do maintain that you’re merely defending awful developer and publisher practices out of the goodness of your heart, then. You’re not a shill, just a moron. I’ll make a note of it for when you find some way to justify the next time a highly-anticipated game is chopped into pieces and sold back to players a bit