Michael Busuttil

I'm honestly curious: what about it don't you like? Have you just never gotten into it, or do you have a solid "this is the reason it doesn't work for me"?

What I think a couple of people in these comments don't get is that Adobe products are more or less your only professional choice as a graphic designer. We're not talking about people who like to paint Lord of the Rings fanart in their spare time, we're talking about working professionals who have an industry-standard

I mostly drink water. In a usual day, I reckon I'd probably drink just about 2 litres, give or take. This woman was drinking 4 times that - in Coke - a day. I'm surprised Coke didn't release a statement that just said "look, guys, we love Coke as much as the next person, but Jesus Christ 8 litres a day is too much,

Anyone who isn't Andrew Garfield, because Andrew Garfield would be perfect.


If you're preparing a speech, write down exactly what you're going to say, practice it, and then do the actual speech with just abridged notes. You'll know your stuff, because you've practiced it, but you won't just be reading it off a sheet, so you've got a little bit of room to adjust based on the tone of the room.

My favourite Goofy Movie myth is that there was a cut of the movie with Donald Duck in it, but he was edited out after censorship worries because of the no pants thing.

If this were real, there would literally never be a successful undercover cop operation (or coperation). What sort of gang wouldn't start every single dealing with a new person with "are you a cop"?

The Doctor's weakness: poor likenesses of Christopher Eccleston.

Sure - but that's because Spider-Man's best villains are reflections of Peter Parker.

For what it's worth, the Ultimate version of Rhino is basically a weedy scientist who wears an oversized suit of powered armour. If that's the direction they're taking (and I'd wager it is; ASM took a lot of its cues from Ultimate Spider-Man) then Giamatti's casting makes perfect sense, except for the part where he's

'course it is. It's on a plinth, that's how you know.

Couple of notes: the series stems from Walter going through a portal with a child to save his son, and that's ultimately what saves the day. Nice bit of closure.

You know, I'm a huge dead-tree advocate - I love all that stuff about books that you don't get with e-readers. But if this is a plan that will be cheaper for the library, or let them offer a better range of stuff, or just keep the library running for longer in general, I'm all for it. We need more libraries.

Because we went into space and took a photo of it and it was a circle. Anyone who needs a reason on top of that isn't playing properly.

For what it's worth, this is the work of a guy who goes by a couple of names online, but his blog is at http://fanartexhibit.wordpress.com/; he's done a Thor (http://fanartexhibit.wordpress.com/2012/12/28/if-women-ruled-the-earth-2-thora/) and an Iron Man

I give it less than a decade until we hit the 90's revival. (Furbys are back this year, so we must be close.) I'm personally holding out for a Captain Planet movie, but I would not say no to MMPR on the big screen.

The problem with comparing it to the first iPad is that we're 4 iPads in now - of course it should be better than a 3-year-old piece of hardware. That's not to say the Surface is bad - I haven't had an opportunity to play around with one - but you can't compare it to anything except the current competition.

This is... this is the dumbest thing I've ever seen. A third of them are un-funny jokes ("there's no lap dance in this scene"), a third of them are things that are explained in the movie ("Nick Fury shoots a missile at a guy to stop him shooting a missile at a guy"... because the other guy is going to /nuke New

I think in some ways it depends on context. If it's a colleague who you talk to all the time, then maybe you don't need to shoot off a "thank-you" email in response every time you send each other something - eventually you're just hassling them.