Michael Busuttil

Thanks! We’ve been having a lot of fun doing them.

For anyone who’s super into this book, our podcast is doing a post-mortem with Kyle Higgins every issue where we talk about his writing process and the decisions he’s making. Kind of like a commentary track, but you don’t have to read along with it. First episode’s at http://rangerdangerpodcast.com/podcasts/issue…,

Unless the actual unlimited parking starts at 10pm, and they’ve already applied that theory.

The gold box says, "Rowena's picture is in this box." The silver box says, "The picture is not in this box." The lead box says, "The picture is not in the gold box." Only one of the statements is true.

Hey, Netflix? As an Australian? The perfect response to this would be to open in Australia.

the humble meter is an amazing thing.

Yeah, but it's a hollow victory because you can go watch Netflix now.

Still 100% better than the Australia library, which is non-existent on account of the fact that they haven't set up shop down here yet.

Cadbury Dairy Milk. The Australian version, not your crazy American chocolate with your weird tasting nonsense. There's no point getting any other kind.

Obviously not everyone's cup of tea, but Doctor Who could potentially pull it off - streaming access to 50 years of serials, updated same-day for new content; it's all owned by the BBC so there should be not much problem there, and they do minisodes and other exclusive content fairly regularly so they could easily

Waits politely while they enter their PIN number, of course.

Sometimes I forget about time zones - it released at 3 in the morning here, so I was like "they did release it in the middle of the night, didn't they?"

Can anyone give me a quick rundown of the advantage of this over the default Notes app that runs on my iPhone and Mac?

Do people do this? Wouldn't it just make your chicken all wet?

I haven't worked at McDonalds, but I did work at Hungry Jacks (the Australian equivalent of Burger King) for about 18 months. There, the big reason was two-fold: prep space and prep time.

I can visualise the length of a foot in my head just fine - it's 30 cm, the same length as our rulers, I guess because we ship them over from you guys. But man, I've got no idea how long a mile is. (I know it's 8/5ths of a kilometre, but I can't see it in my head.)

Yep. As soon as you lot start using sensible units for distance and mass, we'll be just about good to go.

Do you guys not have the thing (that I think is pneumatic?) that automatically closes the door? Down here in Australia I don't think I've ever seen a screen door without one on it - it attaches at the top and gently shuts the screen door if it's left open.

The common mistake you make in both money and love: not having any.