Michael Busuttil

My personal method: is it due RIGHT NOW? Then it's done.

I totally get why Apple don't do a guided tour of their buildings - it'd be like a tour of Willy Wonka's factory, right down to the guy trying to get you to steal something and sell it to him - but you'd think that an Apple Museum would be the sort of thing they could get behind. With an Apple gift shop, presumably

The lead... melted in a pot? (Fourth year design student here who isn't as big on the history as he wishes he was.) That seems insane, but man does it sounds cool.

This, in turn, is meaning authors are under pressure to crank out books faster.

For most companies, it'd be to raise capital - "this is what they look like now, with your money we can make it better" - which is why Apple don't need to do that. I don't know how Google's doing, but I can't imagine they're poor, which makes it odd.

Computers in 1990: cool for the time, but not that cool really.

I'm a 20-year-old uni student, up late in Australia finishing an assignment. I woke up at 11, I'm not tired yet at 12.40am local time. 9am lectures kill me; when I start work at 9 I get an hour's sleep on the train. One day, when I can design freelance, I'm going to have late days, and it will be perfect. Until

Even when he started laughing, I figured "oh, they've gotten him to do that bit of voice work, or they've recycled an old laugh from something else he did. I was literally sure they weren't going to show him until the exact second he turned around.

Yeah, I can confirm this isn't in the Australian cut either. Stayed until the very end of the credits. We only got the one post-credits scene that comes immediately after the "animated" credits, if you know what I'm talking about - before the white-on-black scrolling credits start.

Correct me if I'm wrong - wasn't the reason that Nick Lane's attempt didn't work because they stopped him, not because they had them in the same universe? I don't remember the exact details, but they said the Cortexiphan kids were focusing on their alternates and trying to essentially make their universe vibrate the

I really don't want this question to sound dickish, but... why keep watching? Clearly you don't enjoy the show, isn't there something else you could spend an hour each week on that you'd enjoy more? We're not talking about a once-off "this episode was bad and I'd like to complain about it", we're talking week-in,

I couldn't help but wonder all episode if them shutting down the machine was what DRJ wanted - create a situation that seems to force them to turn it off, then do... something in both universes and now the Fringe teams have no way of coordinating with each other to stop it. There's only a two-parter left this season;

Yeah, this is a part I'm uncomfortable with - most of the time it's not "look, I'm a white guy/girl playing /black people music/", it's "look, I'm taking a song that's sort of spoken really fast and singing it in a different style". I don't see it as being particularly different to something like Lounge Against the

It makes some degree of sense to me - it means a company can't drive up their sales by, I don't know, saying that they're giving away a million dollars to someone who buys their product. A lot of people would buy something in exchange for a chance at a million bucks, but it drives up the perceived value of the product

See, that seems totally legitimate. You're throwing unexpected situations at the applicants - and they're dealing with summer camp kids, so they need to be ready for some unexpected stuff - but you're not doing anything underhanded or devious. You can get a good guess as to what sort of person you're interviewing, and

It's been ages since I've seen "Holiday", but were they ghosts? My vague recollection is that they were spirits, astrally projecting; the boy was dead but unclaimed by a reaper rather than dead and returned. It's possible that "technically alive but separate from your body" is a different class of spirit from "dead

The Avengers comes out in Australia this Wednesday. You got time to fly down here and see it? (Bring the wife, call it a pre-wedding holiday.)

I just wanted to let you know you have the best wife in the world.

If it is (I'm not sure either way, and the fact that Digital Domain are credited suggests to me that it's at least partially CGI, possibly to fill in gaps or similar), the technology could still be extended to the use you've quoted, couldn't it? I mean, it's certainly going to be more expensive, but creating fully CGI

I remember when people were saying that Torv was just a bad actor; that Olivia was stiff and reserved because that was all she could play. It's become pretty damn obvious since the end of Season Two that she's intentionally playing our Olivia like that, because Fauxlivia is exactly the opposite and wholly /fun/.