Michael Busuttil

I suspect it's a bit of both. We know alt-1 Lincoln had a thing for Fauxlivia; it's reasonable to assume that alt-2 did, even if it was only a crush instead of the full-blown love that alt-1 had. Maybe, some time around college, he thought "I want to be the sort of guy that Fauxlivia would like"; even if he moved on

We've gotten indications that, without Peter, the Fauxlivia thing went entirely differently. They swapped places, but she was in and out without a lot of major collateral damage (less vagenda, is what I'm getting at). It's why alt-Broyles isn't dead - he didn't have to save our Olivia, and so didn't die for it.

I... agree and disagree. If someone is raising money for a film, and their video is crap, that's a bad sign. To my mind, well-made isn't necessarily "high production values", it's "showcases the product effectively". If it's a guy in his garage with his son filming him, that's fine, as long as the product is something

As I understand it: going into mass production is expensive. If he's got some number of these pre-sold, that he knows people will buy, it offsets a lot of the risk involved; it also means he doesn't have to put up that money (which he estimated at at least a hundred thousand bucks) himself. If he doesn't want to sell

I tend to include it in emails I'm sending to someone I don't know - if I have to email a client on behalf of my boss, say. They tend to be older people, and I don't want to risk offending them by not following their rules. If it's to a friend, though, I'll typically just start with a "Hey;", then launch right into

I disagree with you on a couple of your points, but I definitely agree about the gore. I was rewatching the first few seasons, and there's an obvious point (I think it's about the start of Season 3, off the top of my head) where the blood and gore go straight on screen rather than being more subtle. I can only imagine

5 episodes left and I still have absolutely /no/ idea how they're going to wrap up the season. It's got to be related to the Leviathan's Field, surely, but beyond that...

...so I should just write a "resu"?

That's... disappointing, I guess, in the sense that it would have been nice if they'd decided to do something exciting with it. But I guess this is the business sense decision - I can only imagine they would have spoken to one or two people about it first.

Really? I mean, one of the major things we do with other people (well, I don't, but other people do) is sex; as robots approach some semblance of humanity doesn't it stand to reason that we'd consider it? It's not a whole lot weirder than having a robot that cooks your dinner, or drives your car.

Serious faces.

Was going to try an "in before "I don't listen to any of that crap, if you can even call it music"", but clearly I was beaten to it.

I want to go to there.

Yeah, I know, and I'm glad you brought it up because it's something so many people fall for. I just wanted a decent segue into my "seriously don't fall for this" follow-up, and that was the best one I could think of. Sorry if it came off as douchey.)


I'd want to see the appropriate section of the EULA, and see exactly how it defines the "Work", but if it's as you say (that "Work" in this case only pertains to the specific file produced by the program, not the text of the book in question) then that makes sense and seems pretty reasonable.

It's worth considering, though, that there's no such thing as an "everything scientist". So although, hypothetically, it'd probably be great if every scientist in the world sat down and looked at cancer, or at renewable fuel, that's not always possible or even productive. Some scientists have obscure skills and

They would have all been paid for their time, on some agreed-upon rate. He's giving them a bonus on top of that because he can; he's under no obligation to. And, strictly speaking, he is worth more than them. If one of the riggers released a comedy special online for 5 bucks, it's not likely that it'd sell 200,000

As stupid as this sounds (I like Apple, I own more than one Apple device, my home computer is a Mac, but this decision is pretty ridiculous) I can't fault Apple for it, simply because that's the way the patent system works. They shouldn't have a patent on it, but they do, and that means they're allowed to enforce it.

I remember not hating MIB 2 when it came out, but I was 11 so I think my barometer was probably a little off.