Michael Busuttil

Money. Like a gift card for life.

This almost looks like they've nailed it. (A bit of dodgy CG on the shot of Will Smith on the... is it the Chrysler Building?, but I can get past that.) Josh Brolin is the perfect choice for young Tommy Lee Jones. Are we sure they didn't just use that creepy de-age computer magic on TLJ instead? And I know it suffered

20, single, don't drink (legal drinking age here is 18). Sorry.

Let me be the first Australian to say I've never seen this before. It's a clever idea, though.

Thought they might be ASCII codes, but the range is wrong; tried converting them from Hex to Decimal but there's nothing of note in the numbers. There's a couple of odd strings, too (assuming it reads left-right) - two sets of 41 41 41 41, one preceded by ff ff ff, and a 42 42 42 42 - if they correspond directly with

Unless I'm misunderstanding the explanation, this is basically the process for elections in Australia too. You rank the candidates in order, one to whatever, and it counts first votes; if no-one has won then the lowest ranking candidate is kicked out and their second preferences are counted; repeat until a party wins.

Presumably he means "sometimes they don't get along, but the sex is fantastic."

Basically: overlap. Say your great great (and so on) grandparents had two children, who married other people and had separate families. Eventually, members of both those families, far descendants, met other people at different points on your family tree. So if you trace your lineage back in each of their branches,

"yung [sic] kids can easily access material which they really aren't ready for"

As a designer: maybe this will make some of the more complex web stuff easier to implement, in which case I'm all for it.

I don't want to be "that guy", but it's #corrections Sydney with a y, not with an i.

I assume somewhere like Amazon, or any other online seller, could implement it across people's comments - if you've got one that seems suspect it might let it be, but someone with 3 or 4 could be blocked or banned.

Not that I don't agree with negitoro - it's really a non-issue - but I think I should mention that there's a reason that pros have a problem with that. It's about scarcity. If anyone can advertise themselves as a "photographer", and all that means is that they bought a shiny new Canon and have opened Photoshop that

This is the sort of thing that keeps me up at night. I'm a design student (third year of four), working hard at becoming a designer. Am I good? I think so, yeah. I'm not great, certainly, and I'm nowhere near the leagues of the greats, but I've got a strong understanding of the basics and I can put stuff together.

[www.facebook.com] uses the old-style chat bar. Sure, you have to do it full window, but if you keep it in another tab then the page title will change when you've got a message. No clue how long it'll stay supported, but it works for now.

I fundamentally disagree with Tarantino (and by extension Feiffer) here, because Clark Kent, as a disguise, has to be the opposite of Superman. Where Superman is co-ordinated and smooth, Kent has to be clumsy and awkward; where Superman is strong and fast and Super, Clark Kent is weak and slow and Man. It's a useless

At least you've got Mounties. We've got nothing down here in Australia.


@icfan: When you plug your iPod in, make sure that "Manually manage music and photos" (or something similar, don't have it with me) is checked in the main iPod window.

...what's next?