Chuck Burly

And after all this, he pleads not guilty to ONE felony charge with a maximum four years in jail. He molests young boys and men for over forty years, gets away with it, and finally might see prison time and still can’t be bothered to take this long overdue punishment.

How many times is the Public Editor allowed to use the term “libtard cucks”?

“Why can’t these poors just have more money? Not mine, though.”

But only healthy kids. So you better hope they didn’t get sick under the crappy health insurance you had to pay a fortune for.

“Actual Players’ Likenesses” coming soon in $9.99 lootboxes!

Incognito could very well be a Boy Scout. Did anyone check to see if he was trying to remove his dad’s head with a pocket knife?

It’s admirable to come to the aid of those who can’t defend themselves.

usually leads to Goodell reaching out to a key franchise owner — often Kraft or Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones

“ I didn’t piss all over your floor because I’m incontinent, it’s because I like pissing on floors.”

How did he repair the damage done by the inexcusable comments he made on same-sex marriage that drew the ire of gay rights groups and cost him sponsors, including Nike? He kept fighting.

“I am sorry Ms. Campbell does not share these views”

Problem solved!

“LOLKNICKS, Kyrie Irving is a flat-Earther nutjob and KD just had a catastrophic injury.”

Do what non-lgbtqi people do when it comes to you people and your beliefs, we ignore you

If the worst his “Kobe Brain” does is make him take long twos, we should all be thankful.

It’s Melo time!

Bold claim to call a picture of your dick “premium content".

Are we sure we can’t blame the Mets medical staff for this one?

Do you come from a planet where Cuphead and Blaster Master don’t exist? You can make good looking platformers with a retro feel and sell thousands of copies.

Bruins Dan” is quite the achievement in the hockey martial arts.