Oh great. As someone that lives in OC where a significant number of attendees live, I’m not looking forward to the surge this causes. April is still 6 months away, things may change, but I doubt it.
For real though, adding voice acting would do wonders for this game. It just feels lifeless without it. Yeah it’s pretty sound technically, but it feels like there’s no soul, no reason for it to be Nickelodeon characters other than to get some default attention.
Fuck Pompeo and anyone who associates with that fat sack of dogshit.
Were there any kind of rides that it was safe to take with Ted Kennedy?
He’s spent almost all of that 180 hours buying turnips then...selling them again. That’s it.
I objected to the notion that women somehow became “dominant”, not sure whether the poster meant Jalopnik or life in general. A couple of Supreme Court justices, one CEO of an auto company and a woman NFL referee...they’re taking over!
I didn’t realize the 2k20 in the title was the expiration date.
God, this game is turning into such a shit show. I’m glad I only bought 2 copies.
This feels like the video game equvelant of binge drinking towards alcoholism. This isnt healthy at all.
or a fascist herb.
When good insults are spoken by bad people, about bad people but who are bad in a different way
A local municipal judge in my area implemented an optional text messaging service for folks with court dates. A few days before your hearing, you get a reminder text message that your appearance is required.
We may not all be as eloquent as Will at the end there, but I think it’s safe to say we all feel the same way.
If it’s aiming for the realism of war, the part where you abandon the rebels to be ethnically cleansed should be interesting.