Chuck Burly

“ You were mean to me! So now I’m not enthusiastic about voting against fascists and racists!”

To be fair, voting just isn’t fun and exciting enough!

Are we just going to keep getting inundated with these pieces where writers employed at the Corpse of Gawker try to make themselves feel better about being complicit in Trump being elected president?

“Man Crushed By Steer 2K18" was pretty awesome, so he may have a point.

I’m shocked that Jameis Winston was somehow supplanted as the worst Seminole.

Rutgers should put up a plaque: “Last in Wins, First in Not Killing Students or Covering Up Rape”.

“BEACH WEEK” continues on in perpetuity for the Ivy League.

Is Maryland Football even worthy of being considered a “hill to die on”?

How The Fuck Did So Many Teams Pass On Patrick Mahomes?

Proving Cheesebutt” wrong by giving even less of a shit is a bold strategy.

Saddest birthday parties:

Not the ones calling it a “false flag” operation dumb fuck.

Live action Cowboy Bebop would basically be Firefly.:-P

And predators often target people (a child, in this case) with emotional/mental/substance abuse issues because they know they’re more vulnerable.

It’s contradictory because the other party has made it their life’s work to strip down the closest inroads the country has made towards “government sponsored health insurance for all”.

A member of Bill Cosby’s defense team has joined us here in the comments!

Clearly Kindstrand Nelson is just making this up after seeing the riches and fame that came to Christine Blasey Ford.

“BIG MAD” has long dominated the satirical magazine market and turned our children gay by covering their pages with estrogen. Also, George Soros created Spy vs Spy.

But 10 points for sticking the landing.

At least they didn’t give Nate Solder a massive contract in a rebuilding year. That would be really stupid!