“I want it so bad,” he said, “I’m drinking as much of it as I can, and I’m having a blast.”
“I want it so bad,” he said, “I’m drinking as much of it as I can, and I’m having a blast.”
Hey, if you can’t get behind a plucky young squad that had a reigning MVP gifted to them for spare parts by one oftheir best players in franchise history, maybe you should just give up on sports.
Someone remove Ivana Tinkle’s press credentials immediately!
Maybe McGowan is “unstable” thanks to the abuse she suffered? But nah, into the trash with that crazy lady.
McGowan was assaulted by Harvey Weinstein. Sorry that’s not apparently enough of an accredation to be a visible part of the movement.
Is the 409 the highway to Hell?
I keep getting told to root for the meteor, and yet this game still seems to be on the schedule.
Idiot files “attempted rape” under “sleazy".
This is what diversity naturally fixes. Rather than having to ask yourself “Is this fucked up?”, you have a friend/colleague/person looking at your phone to say “Yes, white cis male. It is.”.
Was really hoping to see Dan Schneider’s mugshot, but oh well.
“What was so notable is that Allen appeared unfazed by all the mediocrity.”
Ugh. Constant sports success is wasted on you perpetually aggrieved babies.
“you can clearly see the same guy who shouted “spic” screaming, “Beaners! Spics!””
Stupid doing this on camera. Just break into his apartment and fire a gun blindly into the dark and you’d be fine.
I blame the injury on the airbag not deploying during the Carr crash.
My brain is already leaking from right wing nutjobs suddenly treating a NY Times report seriously.
This disease of these “thinkers” trying to placate these right-wing pissbabies with idiotic pieces like this is so exhausting.
Just like your Idiot in Chief, you are too rock stupid to use the “Salem Witch Trials” as a proper analogy.