Chuck Burly

Yeah, but most people can cheat at board games and then go a lifetime without attempting to commit rape.

Trump? More like Dump.

Judge K”?

Seemed to be under the impression

Does the victim have a memoir where they admitted having frequent blackouts? No?

Judge calling the accusation nuts while also admittedly being an alcoholic who had many a blackout just proves how despicable these people are.

I know he’s a blowhard. But being Trump involves about 100 other awful things beyond that.

Nobody is the “Trump” of anything. He is uniquely awful. 

Hinkie is the man we need to flip the script when it comes to reading. Shift the paradigm. Break the mold. Think outside the box. Gleam the cube. Hold the mayo. Defrag the humperdink.

What’s the expiration date on Wiggins being “exciting” rather than “shitty"?

Just as I thought: the ones responsible for popularizing the purest form of Communism is the U.S. Naval Academy! To Gitmo with all the traitors!

Hey, that’s handy. I was looking to figure how how to type “libcuck” into Word without spellcheck always popping up!

Always remind Australia when grousing about America unleashing Trump that they piloted the Event Horizon and came back with Rupert Murdoch first.

But what of the hideous 330 dollar pig?

Credit to Belichick: if I had a co-worker who made his quack drug dealer come to every office function I’d appreciate the boss telling him to fuck off.

If Patricia got replaced by a blogger in a hoodie the Lions would be no worse off.

Possible side effect: an irrational and completely unexplained hatred of Malcolm Butler.

You knew Detroit wasn’t going to just let a chance slip by to retake the throne after Cleveland earned a tie.

You know Trump felt he was a genius to solve this financial conundrum .

Clearly a very dignified and respectable mascot. Snowflakes are always ruining tradition!