Chuck Burly

Accountability can’t be THAT important if you still have a job after 3 wins.

Similarly, I dress like Hitler when I need my gutters cleaned.

Congratulations, Trumpy. You are no longer the elected official worst at taking a Stunner.

And JoePa was worried he was going to be lonely in Big 10 hell.

Since this is Twitter, I’m sure Doolittle will get to talk with the animals again shortly.

You would also assume committing treason would be done “quietly and secretly” Rudy, but when your client is a loudmouth moron who tweets the first thing that pops into his head this is what you get.

That was explained in the first line IN BOLD you illiterate moron.

You’d fuck a gerbil? One that was just up another person’s ass?

I’ve known people like that. The endgame is always that they want to drop the N-bomb with impunity.

I just wish Obama would stop dividing this country.

it’s time the blacks dropped their African s*** and become Americans and yes I had these discussions with my black friends

Just look at them like major cities. Sure, there’s some really bad parts in the ocean, but avoid them and you can still have a really nice time hanging around in it.

So it’ll take Melo three moves to get where he wants to go. That’s a surprising level of efficiency from him.

Listen Mike Matheny, we know you just put in that last part so we wouldn’t think it was you.

This. It’s compounding a selfish act: not only did he betray her trust, now he’s deciding that she doesn’t get to use that knowledge to decide what her next step should be.

I think it’s mostly that the dolts that called for “civility” had the horse kick them in the head today and went “Ohhh, right. The man whose administration and allies we want citizens to be nice to is a treasonous pawn.”.

Monogamy is difficult, sure. But as usual, the cheater only cares for the part where their partner is asked to be with one person.

10 Reasons Why Some Chode Bought Gawker.com”

Good fortune that the cop’s taser was apparently malfunctioning.

“Deep state” is option C in the Republican multiple choice question of “Who to blame?” if Mexicans or Clintons just sound a little too silly.