Chuck Burly

Worst game included with a graphics card ever.

I enjoy all the non-sequiturs here. Nice of Arkham to grant you Internet access.

The problem here is the author assumes there is a “peak” for the Mets. Their incompetence is the never-ending staircase in Mario 64.

In his defense,

Lemme check my notes: so you have to stand for the anthem out of respect, but it’s cool to mock Vietnam vets for being POWs.

Makes me feel really shitty for staying for the end credits of Infinity War.

“Fake news” bad, fake history good.

So basically they should remove the anthem since the fans are there to watch football, and this will allow the game to start sooner.

The guy’s stated on numerous occasions that the 65-win Rockets do not “suck”.

The “Wade Boggs Challenge” is not for everyone.

Hey, Fox actually took Pruitt to task before. They’re faaaar too left for the Kleptocracy.

Jesus. You paid money to go to a NASCAR event. Who do you think is the fool here?

Nothing says American pride like an event with Confederate flags everywhere.

FIP to be squared (up)

Lets all congratulate the new XFL Champion: Roman Reigns!

Does Joe realize Andrew Jackson lived in the White House?

Still fewer dope baseball things than Trevor Bauer.

“Anti-Processors”? Good lord, it really is a cult.

If you have all the draft picks, the other teams will eventually grow old and die. You have to think long-term, sheeple.

Good point! He’s the guy who drafted Okafor, so it could have been so much worse!