Chuck Burly

but it still raised questions about whether he might be “vulnerable to outside influence.”

The numbers always tell.

The cat would have asked for a harsher sentence.

“Drug users, one would think,” McArdle writes, “would be highly likely to recalibrate their risk-taking so that the risk of death remains constant, while the frequency and potency of drug use increases.”

Trump’s Big List of Admirable Acts:

That man’s father must be spinning in his chair.

Yeah, regardless of their sexual orientation. So again, the question is wholly ridiculous.

And they’ll say that to a straight man who often don’t take being called a “cocksucker” or something similar too well. Do they ask “Well what if I fucked your wife?” at the combine?

And what would any of this have to do with asking about the player’s sexuality?

“Nobody circles the wagons like the Jemele Hills!”

So he got the moron elected that he wanted and we STILL have to worry about getting nuked? Talk about a sore winner...

Getting a lot of James Harden highlights today.

Unfortunately Gronk’s about 29 years too late to retire and prevent permanent brain damage.

You know full well you can’t read.

Strange that you’re operating under the assumption the check actually arrived.

My first memory is when Naismith stuck that peach basket up there on the wall.

So who picked Yao Ming?

But those people who are fishes out of water were often the most vibrant ones in the room. I’ve begun to recognize a social type, the Amphibians — people who can thrive in radically different environments.

He should probably just quit, then. It’s not with the risk.

He paid her yearsafter the fact to keep quiet. The story has been out there for months, you could at least read it before you start trolling.