Fortunately, we have idiots like the person that runs the BPD Twitter account so we don’t have to look far.
Fortunately, we have idiots like the person that runs the BPD Twitter account so we don’t have to look far.
And Jesus isn’t even his “personal savior”! That dude gets around.
I assume they picked it up after rehab.
That seems unfair. Now if Barry the Cuck wants to use that guy is sitting on it.
Timothy Faust is a single-payer activist and a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. He is also employed in the insurance industry
“A true Patriot never pulls out at the last minute.”
Oh my god, right? Reality is just the worst.
If getting cucked by a murderous space monster that runs about 5'6"doesn’t make you a loser I don’t know what does.
Philly wins and the fans succeed in burning the city down.
Good call. They probably wouldn’t have given a shit about beating their toughest competition in the AFC without them talking trash. Belichick is notorious for not caring until you say something mean.
Absolutely. Brady was going to get drunk and party with hookers the night before the game, but after this? He’s going to do everything he can to win for sure!
All WWE’s female wrestlers should immediately change their finisher to “punch to the face”.
Dudley is pro basketball player where his Twitter picture is him in a suit.
C’mon Vinnie. If you fail at a football venture and needed Daddy to be a success you run for president, dummy. You don’t try the football thing again!
How much you got?
As an alternative in case you hate Minnesota and/or football: I will be hosting a D&D game on Super Sunday in a basement. Not my mother’s basement, or even MY basement, but it does have walls and a ceiling above it and is partially underground. There will be a bag of chips and napkins. You will need to provide the…
“WWE Fans Realize Event is a Fake, Choke on Irony.”
I liked it when America was hated for being powerful and evil. Stupid and evil doesn’t bring the same sense of pride.
It’s also looks really good for a mobile game. I’ve accepted that the experience for games like this is going to be pretty damn shallow, but if it’s easy to use and looks sharp I’ll probably give it a go.
“Either one could go join the Cavs or the Rockets or the Warriors and play great basketball and win all sorts of glory*.”