Do you have enough weed for the rest of the class?
Do you have enough weed for the rest of the class?
And we’re supposed to trust the parent that’s abandoned his SEVEN OTHER CHILDREN!?
But it has “HD rumble”!
“Impeach Trump” is a pretty short idea for an article. Plus it’ll be at least a week or two before he commits an impeachable offense.
Jesus, you sound like Trumpenstein. So because the CIA/FBI has been wrong in the past....we ignore them? Listen to what Putin says?
Oh don’t worry: you can look at his first year, too! Which was also shitty!
Ah yes, he of the .397 TS%. Does “two-way” mean shitty but also terrible?
The renovation plan includes a statue of Curt Schilling outside the stadium, in honor of a great Diamondback and inspiration for fucking over taxpayers.
Hey! Don’t point out that “Drive” isn’t arthouse cinema! I need my lust for skull-cavings to appear tasteful!
Time for Joe Blanton to update his Tinder profile!
“Is it okay if we practice some defense now, Dad?”
Leave that poor grandma alone, DeMarcus.
“Shit. How’s he going to know to run a one-back, three wide set!?”
Hey, at least in New Jersey we hate our despicable Republican governor.
Damn it! Thanks for being such a pile of shit, Schilling. Now I share an opinion with fucking Shaughnessy.
“Baseball, like all once proud American Institutions, has been thoroughly cucked as well”
D-Bag for D-Backs Angers D Blacks
The first Cowboys game was a “false” test, I guess.
The popularity of all this shanking on TV is going to get us an OZ reboot.
But not gay bridges. Those need to be fixed!