And bitches about black people not tipping and then doesn’t tip because “the service sucked”.
And bitches about black people not tipping and then doesn’t tip because “the service sucked”.
Fake Cardinals fan: not a gay slur to be found.
Just more of the PC libtard SJW nonsense sweeping across the USA. Thanks, Obama.
If that’s all it takes to repair a knee then get that pussy Bridgewater out there!
Zero dead people > One dead person
I feel I may have missed an opportunity to wipe my ass with a photo of Hillary and make some easy money.
Rude, factually wrong tweets are no longer just for presidential candidates!
I definitely agree with Trump there. It was pretty courageous of them to agree to be in the same room as you.
Kermit’s really starting to become unhinged and irritable these days. Been a while since he grabbed a pig by the pussy, I guess.
Trump is his own best damage control: just say something worse tomorrow to distract them from today’s events.
As part of their 70th Anniversary, the Knicks celebrate their rich history of trials involving sexual impropriety.
The Rock does as a 40 something year old man, so yes.
Relax Internet Horde: there’s plenty of masculinity here. Huuuuge Pokedong hiding under that skirt.
Because of the failings in our mental healthcare systems?
Because having money means your opinions matter. Are you new here?
“No one denies this”
Actually nail a draft pick?
The neo-Nazis will get to continue their tradition of backing the guy who lost while sporting terrible hair.
I assume the word “uppity” made an appearance?
True Yankees are above UZR.