But it looks good and it's portable. That's two nice upgrades.
But it looks good and it's portable. That's two nice upgrades.
"Engineers really do not design single switches that destroy entire structures or single buttons that take situations from normal to disaster."
You just described the history of the US Government.
Good god. They kept those Ferraris in a garage that had snow shovels and bicycles in it. I'm amazing they didn't lay boxes of Christmas decorations on them.
So how much like GamerGate should this be? Should I send Todd Kliman rape threats on Twitter?
Because determining someone is an alcoholic is a little more nuanced than going by hearsay and Instagram photos.
If any of you thought for a second while playing Bayonetta 2 "Damn, I wish I was playing Rusty's Real Deal Baseball", it makes this list seem slightly less insane.
Play in more of a "metaphorical" sense.
Jeff Bridges being brought on to play Michael Fleet did seem like a bit much.
C'mon guys, it's DBZ. Frieza becomes powerful enough to fight Goku via lasers or the Dragonballs or eating Bill's brain or whatever. It's not exactly known for taut, logical premises. WE WANTS MOAR DEATHFIGHTS!
Brandon McCarthy has been a figment of our imaginations!
Censorship by corporations is a thing. Clearly Target has the right to choose to sell the thing or not, that's not in dispute. It's a moral question, not a legal one.
It's because of heathens like him that we have "stuffed crust" abominations in the world.
Props to a fellow Qunari mage!
Dragonblight is waaaaay too low. The quest chains were great, the music was top notch and the ambiance was unbeatable. Still love questing there with alts.
"Too Many Kooks"
Until he breaks the equipment because he's using it like a fucking asshole.
You might be able to bring a homeless guy if you throw in a beer.
The Cards best player according to fWAR was signed just this year. And they tried to re-sign Pujols to a huge deal.
Shhh, you'll ruin the premise.