Changing the culture of acceptance is the first step. Thanks for sharing.
Changing the culture of acceptance is the first step. Thanks for sharing.
Christ almighty, who starred this?
This is the worst thing to happen there since The Sayreville War.
In related mascot news the crowd was disappointed to learn that the visiting Michelin Man was just Karl Rove.
Fighting the last boss in RoS shouldn't take 20 minutes.
It's like she heard "pile" instead.
As the old saying goes: no amount of money can buy good taste.
Because "Goldstein" wasn't Jewish enough.
Can't expect the school that employed Schiano to get much bang for their buck.
Actor turns out to be idiot, example #2,956,125.
This is going to steal a lot of the thunder from "Race War" Kickstarter.
Good of you to address this. While I think most of the fervor is because the Internet mob wants to string up a woman who appears to have been a serial cheater (which is relevant to no one but the involved parties) there was a kernel of legitimacy to it all. People are rightfully wary of game coverage these days with…
It's a legitimate question regarding journalistic ethics. Journalists getting cozy with people they're supposed to be impartial about has always been a HUGE problem, whether it's money, sex or even something benign as friendship. The fact that there are parts of the Internet that unsurprisingly took it to the point of…
If Jesus didn't perform so many flashy miracles and actually toughed out that crucifixion, maybe he could have had that title for his own.
Knowing his penchant for acquiring ancient vets, the bag of balls probably would've belonged to John McCain.
That's the biggest damn basement I've ever seen.
Humans always get bent out of shape when you discuss eating them. They're the worst.
Hey, guess what! I already knew that. It's his studio and the director is a hack in the same exact vein as Mr. Explosion himself. Bay's stink is all over the movie.
Yuuuup. Bay's aesthetics are always "MOAR IS BETTER" so you get these robots that have piles of crap on them and look awful. You can see it in the Ninja Turtles redesigns, too.