Chuck Burly

If you give a bear a cookie, he'll take a piece of hand.

Considering Shields is a free agent in 2015, and Myers is under team control through 2019, I think it's still pretty damned easy to see who won the trade.

You guys did have that cannibal, though. So we'll lay off the Call of Duty games, and you avoid the Dead Rising series. All the world's problems will be solved!

A lot of dyslexic gamers are going to be very disappointed.

You might want to see a doctor for those memory problems you're having.

Silly bear. You're facing the wrong way if you're looking to get fed.

MLS is very concerned about the backlash against the concept of pretend soccer.

License Plate Guy is the Hydrox to Fireman Ed's Oreo. Ya know, if the cookies were both made of shit.

Honestly they all feel like toy manufacturers with the various bells and whistles they try to incorporate in addition to your basic controller input. Nintendo's systems are no more gimmicky than those of Microsoft (Kinect) or Sony (Eye, Vita touch/gyro controls), in my opinion. As an old, core gamer myself I tend to

I can honestly say I don't hate F2P, it's just usually implemented poorly and to the detriment of the consumer. So I didn't hate you.

It's pretty sad that someone is devoting an entire website to in-depth analysis of reruns of "The Nanny".

Braun was convinced Laurenzi was out to mess with the chosen pee-pull.

At least we only have to deal with seven more of these before the Romans get him.

Todd Haley says designated drivers are for pussies.

Todd Haley shits in the urinals when the stalls are occupied.

Ed is mostly just annoyed that Quarterback Mark Sanchez stole his "phony occupation" schtick.

McCoy now realizes Cooper was using "Shady" as an adjective when he would talk about him.

"But is Tampa north or south of tha Charles?"

I thought "Captain Douchebag" was the Red Sox pet name for Jeter.

the appropriate pairing for my Ruffles Ultimate Tangy Honey Mustard chips is the toilet.