"Your columnist predicted the winner would be Baltimore by three points. And yea, verily, it came to pass."
"Your columnist predicted the winner would be Baltimore by three points. And yea, verily, it came to pass."
Teehee, "morale beliefs".
Anyone mentioning Ravens and murder are probably just confusing their bird species.
Interesting. Then, for Peterson's sake, he should hope that the Vikings gut their roster and replace his teammates with high schoolers. He'll have an amazing '13-14 season.
Disney's acquisition of Lucasfilms made everyone at least somewhat nervous. So why wouldn't a big-time director need assurances that he would be working with the right people?
It's true! I once shot myself in the foot by buying Final Fantasy XIII.
Yuck. Now I'm picturing Gregg keeping his notebook in his pouch.
Any time you find yourself in a pickle, just say "Ichiban" as loud as you can and flex your muscles. Never failed me.
Not eye-blasting! He's pretty darn good at that.
I haven't really seen anyone arguing that the prior games were some great exercise in storytelling, but I've seen multiple clips of dialogue from DmC that had me literally laughing out loud they were so awful.
I dunno Owen, what you're asking for sounds like it requires a modicum of effort from the media. Useless conjecture without research is SO much easier.
The Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD set was very well done. A nice upgrade for $20 bucks even if you played the crap outta then on PS2.
It's a wonderfully colorful game. It really makes me pine for an HD remake of Dragon Quest VIII.
Please, more jokes about lens flare people! Your joke will surely be the cleverest and besterest!
I think she's absolutely right. She's simply taking a much more nuanced approach to analyzing the issue than simply blaming sexism. There's many factors at play here other than just the one that gets the most attention/pageviews.
Thanks to Nintendo, all I can think of is gold and stomping goombas. I'm the worst combo of a Jew and Eliot Ness EVER!
That's one way to increase your attention Span.
Britt better hope this doesn't go to trial, because Edgar won't help the defense any.
The thing about people with mental illnesses that others often forget is that they still have their own unique personalities. And the unique trait I find among all of these mass murderers is selfishness; their pain and suffering is all that matters to them. They don't care what sort of pain they inflict on others.
Maybe he wears parachute pants.