Chuck Burly

I get that, but if they were smart they would lock out any romances without pay, not just the gay ones.

I think "Gay Planet" was the name of a bar I accidentally wandered into once. Nice ambiance, though.

I think it's safe to assume that ANYONE that poses for a picture with their shirt off is seeking some sort of attention, regardless of gender.

The Perfect Game For Masochists

It was really confusing when Bayonetta had a shirtless dude holding a minigun on the cover.

Let there be sports-related justice in this world and put Mike Trout on the cover.

I'm trying to wrap my head around Michael's choice in Bible verses. Do they even apply here? It's like reading a fortune cookie!

My god people, since when did a "Fuck you, shithead!" not suffice? Insults should not require CliffNotes!

The most important thing to take from this article is that Cam Newton must get as many tattoos as possible immediately.

"So far as I am aware, only TMQ highlighted this." Wow. That's some epic haughtiness right there. What a dipshit. I'm guessing that line runs on a loop in his mind.

James Bond will return in "Dangerous Boners".

The important question is: could a football program choose to become an independent, and sell all of its home games? Because in the face of re-alignment, that sounds like an easy way for some of these schools to make money. Or start a pyramid scheme.

I honestly think the Colonel is their version of Santa. Soooo many creepy statues over there.

"I ran away, but I'm back now."

Athletes, never get hammered when you already have the camera crew in your tummy.

It's been my experience that anyone who says "good sir" and is not a British fop has their head firmly planted up their own ass. Thank you for confirming those observations.

I heard the last Twilight movie was littered with decapitations, but still it got a PG-13 somehow.

Tylenol is an excellent stocking stuffer.

Hipster? Hipster!? There's not a hint of irony to any of the support this show receives. It's a clever, colorful show that runs the gamut of episode types. Some are pure, mindless violence, some are heartfelt and others just nothing but goofy jokes. And the animation style may not be your preference, but the animation

And the NCAA has revoked his eligibility without comment.