Chuck Burly

Wow, really? Japan's history is even more rooted in xenophobia than America's.

Tommy Wiseau ponders his next career move.

So AVG, HR, RBI are for the cool, popular baseball fans, and OBP(!?) and OPS for the loser, virgin basement-dwellers.

Bigger goat: Alex Rodriguez or Karl Rove?

It's tough enough for Nate Silver to be gay, now he's transgendered?

Coronas and Dora the Explorer? Finally, someone is targeting the oft-overlooked alcoholic 8 year-old demographic.

Makes no sense? It's about going on adventures!

"Cowboys suck" would've more than sufficed, but that's not what happened here. Like a lot of drunk morons, team heckling turned into personal attacks and then getting ready to fight.

It's scary enough when a Craigslist ad suggests you have to come to the person's house, much less own it.

Shouldn't the Mandarin be played by an orange?

Maybe they're good enough for the player to try for it and let it drop, but I wouldn't want the umpire to invoke the rule when the double play is that uncertain. Make them make the tough play. It should be limited to situations where the DP would be virtually assured without an error.

Do you think a 50/50 chance at a double play are good enough odds to invoke the rule? I certainly don't.

That's some good Knick-on-Knick action!

Poor Gio Gonzalez. If only David Roher had found your life and pitch repertoire more interesting.

Filthy haven of cross-sodomy? Speak for yourself. I make sure to have my corner of the site hosed down every hour.

Anti-Mitt article? This was just a excuse for Drew to shit on golf.

Glorious comment for glorious leader.

They probably called up some young guys who finished their minor league seasons who they want to give the garbage time to.

That's good hustle, Seattle Super Fan.

Pssh, my virtual girlfriend Kimiko thinks it's adorable.