
After all the shitty reviews and complaints I’m going to go into this series thinking of it as “filler” or “back story” for the upcoming Defenders series later this year.

Might as well call it Google TV since Youtube Red isn’t apart of the package. Had it been included I honestly would have given it a shot. I’d still rather use Sling TV over this. Looking forward to doing a free trial though.

So the phone feels “thick compared to an iPhone 7" but only “Still it was slightly thinner than the Google Pixel XL, which is a hulking 8.6mm.”

As long it has continuity with the current movies and you see Batfleck in the movie. I at least want Nightwing to call Bruce an old man talk about the Robins death and Bruce hanging up the Bat cape. Then after a possible trio of Batfleck movies we get a Batman Beyond movie.

Depending on where they mine the deep sea floor they could release a whole lot of methane. Especially if they are going to target geothermal vents, bringing ore from these areas will bring with it compressed solid methane that will immediately turn into a gas upon reaching the surface. Then to refine the ore itself on

Now this needs to be implemented in video games, especially in Dead Rising. Secondly I’d love to see this used in a movie a Shaun of the Dead or Zombieland sequel.

Hard mode is locked behind a $20 DLC this is beyond ridiculous. Having to beat certain games on normal first to unlock the hardest mode always irritated me, but to have to buy DLC for hard mode is a dumb move for Nintendo.

Honestly Sprint can be horrible with how they throttle or put people on basic data plans without them knowing even though you do get unlimited (throttled after 23GB) They gave what’s called premium streaming where you opt to pay them $20 a month extra for prioritized data. I have been with Sprint since 2009 and

Linkin Park

I was bed bound for several different reason for a total of six years only going outside on a stretcher to the hospital and back home. I didn’t go crazy or get depressed, though I still like the video and song so thanks.

If Winter suddenly becomes brutal with blizzards and negative temperatures for weeks on end, I shall come back to this and curse you to pieces.

At the prices these Mac’s go for and the demographic they are targeting it shouldn’t have a GPU that is close to a on board GPU from Intel. Better dedicated GPU should have been used. Extremely large files you say on a 256GB drive with less actual usable space means you’ll either have to get the more expensive still

In more interested in the $100 toaster mothers give when you move out their house.

The surface studio is far to expensive to have a generation old gpu and mechanical hard drive. Yes I know this Mac uses a solid state drive but hard drive is a term unanimous for storage. At least the Surface studio is innovative enough to try and warrant it’s price tag. My point on this so called MacBook Pro is it

I know it’s a solid state drive sir regardless of terminology these devices are outrageously priced. Apple at least used to be beefy in specs abd look good.

That’s some paltry amount of storage space for a $3K machine, are the HDD’s at least use upgradable?

Yes I’m a C6 Quadriplegic.

I would be willing to be patient zero in a heartbeat. Nice to see such progress for people with spinal cord injuries other than stem cell and bionic research .

It’s starting price is $3,000 with an out dated Gpu is the worst oversight since the X1 being bundled with the kinect and it’s weak 12 compute unit Gpu.

Fallout 4 VR & VR support was announced for the Scorpio at E3.