
Why a 980 though? Everything else for digital artist seems great. I’m sure this device will be very expensive and the fact that it might not have a user swappable Gpu means it should have come with all the latest components.

With so little they showed you’ll have to wait until E3 2017 for actual footage. Let’s just hope it isn’t delayed until 2018. Also I really would’ve preferred Bully 2 or another Manhunt game.

So they didn’t make a Nexus phone this year? In guesting the 6P will get a price cut and will hopefully continue being sold along side this phone, which seems like two steps back in terms of design.

You frack the Earth abd she eventually fracks you back.

This is how ISIS test kids his age for future recruiting.

Why the Hillbilly title though? It’s not exactly a term of endearment, so it isn’t needed.

It likely needs those four speakers & two subs to be louder than the sound of the fans in that beast. Or loud enough to drown out any chatter of how ridiculous that thing looks if you take it to Starbucks.

The player, Constantine, the Knight Rider reboot, Terminator, Futurama, Invader Zim that’s all I can remember off the top of my head.

Anyone looking into either the new X1-S or a portable hard drive to expand storage for the system or anything else check it newegg.com The Touro 2TB drive is only $80 & they are selling the X1-S with an additional controller plus Assassin’s Creed Syndicate for only $330 no taxes with free shipping.

Anyone looking into either the new X1-S or a portable hard drive to expand storage for the system or anything else

He is looking at Trumps virtual reality demo called “The Wall” and it features a VR experience of what the projected wall between us and Mexico will look like. You can walk around it and look up at how tall it is and from the top of the wall look down across the U.S. or Mexico.

Considering they marketed as a multiplayer game I’m disappointed that you cannot meet up with your friends and form a space pirate crew.

I always just multiply by 1.8 and add 32 though there are plenty of ways you could do it, this was the way I remember from elementary school.

I haven’t updated my app since all the fuss started, so my question is well not updating the game continue to give me easier pokemon catches and tracking?

No DVR but you can pause live TV for how long I’m not sure. Ability to replay content I’m not sure of that either.

Not to mention if you likely use hulu you use other services already like Netflix. High speed internet is $55 monthly for me, I subscribe to hulu commercial free, Amazon Prime, Netflix $12.99 tier & Starz or another service depending on time of the year.

Yes the $20 tier has CNN, CN, TBS, TNT, ESPN, Disney, Food Network, Adult Swim, Lifetime, BBC & more. I think it’s 20-25 channels. The $25 tier gets you 40 channels.

40 damn dollars is a lot of money to ask for considering cord cutters who use Hulu typically have at least one or two other monthly services. I said if it was $20 with streaming I’m interested in sure I’ll try. $40 for CNN & TBS which I’ll never watch. Sling TV is a way better offer and let’s you pick up other

Yes the island is still growing but within that same century of growth, the rise in sea level will nulify any gains from lava flow exspansion. Thermal expansion from the oceans warming along with glacier melting will have sea levels much higher than they are currently.