
The sun does spin on its own axis. Due to it being a ball of plasma instead of solid body it isn’t a fixed rotation period. The poles rotate every 38 days while the equator is faster at every 24. Sun spots that appear on the side not facing us eventually rotate into view of Earth.

Actually the sun does rotate on it’s own axis. Due to it not being a solid body it doesn’t do so at the same rate in its entirety. The equator or rotates about ever 24 days while the poles do so every 30+ days. (I don’t remember the exact number.) We are not in any way tidally locked to not be able to see the other

After a plethora of Angry Bird iterations I’m done with the series. Even the audacity to release the game on consoles $40 was too much.


There are many more viable and cheaper alternatives to the iPod touch for emerging markets. One could easily go on Amazon and find a flurry of devices. Sure the software might not be as fluid as Apples but don’t ride Apple like they are doing anything innovative or different in this age. They sell at much higher

So what if there is more the one infidel with multiple RPG’s shot at the same time? What say you then huh Boeing?

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In time for Ray Donovan season 3.

I would have loved to see a video of this behavior...

It absorbs 99% of the visible sunlight it receives and radiates in infrared from the extreme temperature of the planet. Think how hot a piece of charcoal is and how it glows when ignited and red hot. Then scale that to the size of Jupiter.

Yes the actual transit of this star took place 750 years ago with the observable light of this event just reaching us today.

Heath Ledger Joker > Jared Lego Joker all day...

My theory is a bit different, only because it looks like a dead on straight collision. The biggest impact mark is nearly dead center within the crater. I think decent sized asteroid collided with another and it had big a big chunk and a few little friends tagging along on a nice speedy trajectory towards the proto

This only regards the gas in our atmosphere not the carbon materials themselves. It being heavier atomically isn’t the important part it’s that 1% of our atmosphere holding more infrared radiation in that’s important. I guess heavier element heavier blanket though!

The Sun is not going to go super nova. It will become a red giant.

This craft at the speed it’s going cannot be captured gravitationally by any planetary body in our system that includes Jupiter. It will be moving over 31,000 miles per hour relative to the Sun at it’s closets approach to the Plutonian system. It would have required an immense amount of fuel to do av deceleration burn

Ion propulsion is slow but constant. New Horizons is traveling much to fast and doesn’t have enough fuel to decelerate.

It is very possible to get a craft into orbit around Pluto. How ever in order to get a craft into orbit requires less speed and a burnto decelerate to allow for Pluto’s gravity to grab the craft. So instead of 10 years to get to Pluto It would have taken much longer and required more fuel. This to date is the fastest

Once the Sun begins to swell and its solar output intensifies the habitable zone will reach out far enough to have a major impact on some moons of Jupiter and Saturn. Possibly creating life forms that will blow our minds. That is assuming the human race lives that long and finds a way to survive. It surely won’t be 7