
So last year was the year of the racers with a multitude of thing games on each console. This year is the year of the shooters. Rainbow 6, Halo, Gears remaster, Call of Duty.

Did they explicitly say it wasn’t coming out on the Wii-U? I don’t see why out wouldn’t.

I don’t get why anyone would laugh. We’ve had the building blocks for water within the entire universe which explains our reservoirs of it on our planet. Even more evident though is that comets and proto planets in the Kieper belt actually have frozen H2O a.k.a. water ice on them. Our very own solar system has plenty

You make a valid point in some cases. Having read the article and then remembering that all the dinosaur species didn’t coexist in the same periods of our planets history. The giant herbivore plant eaters could have very well been cold blooded being more closely related to actual reptiles of today. While the famous

Aren’t birds the true descendants of dinosaurs? If they are more closely related to birds rather then what they look to be related to like lizards, crocodiles and alligators. Then one would surmise that they were warm blooded.

So for comparisons, what is his power level like? Greater than SS3 or SS4? Do any of the other sayian forms remain? Does Vegetta achieve this Demi God like power? In now a but interested....

As long as his hair isn’t blue as rumored I’ll be happy.

Would it be heavier or lighter using a complete Lego brick construction?

Plant ejaculate... Who knew it was so explosive...

I live in NYC and most buildings are not accessible. I second the beach thing though. Got stuck in the sand at Coney Island. Was completely my fault but totally worth it.

I’d love to have one of these. Especially living here in New York City, but I could never afford it and insurance would never pay for it. I’m just happy we are making such advancements though.

Can we see this in real time in different angles. Still am amazing takeoff and torn around landing.

I forgot what grade of junior high i was in, I think 6 or 7th and sold cards individually. I had a lot of rare and metallic cards. I would get anywhere from $2 -$5 for a card others cheaper. My mother agreed To meet me halfway on the price. I accumulated $75 she gave me the rest. The teal game boy I gave to my little

I had the teal blue game boy color as well. But when Nintendo released this one I went crazy and sold nearly my entire Pokemon card collection just to get one. All those days I spent playing pokemon especially Pokemon Yellow with my little Pikachu following me.

The Wire was a great series indeed. Especially enjoyed watching again when HBO made them in HD.

The Wire was a great series indeed. Especially enjoyed watching again when HBO made them in HD.

This will only add to California’s drought problems. The compaction of the soil will prevent proper replenishing of the future under ground water supplies. Leaving behind even less water to be used for future droughts.

Sonics face is the same face I made, thinking how’d they catch him. Still funny though lol.

When you read the headline you think it was a photo taken by a satellite via command or automation. Instead it is a bit of a misnomer having been taken by a human with a camera on a man made satellite.

They don’t because of the coriolis effect is near zero at the equator. In theory a hurricanes forward momentum could allow it to head towards and even cross the equator, but the opposing forces would rip the hurricane apart.

Looks to last Genish to me.