
Oh ok, well as long as it’s respectfully.

But you missed my point... I’m not worried about his feelings. I’m saying you can hurt the feelings of any who feels self conscious about their own body that looks like him. By dog piling on Elon Musk for how he looks in that photo you’re basically telling everyone who looks like that you’re disgusting, don’t ever

But in that situation you’re not really defending them, you’re defending body acceptance. Body positivity has nothing to do with the person in particular. (So it doesn’t matter if it’s Hitler’s body)

I haven’t done a ton of research into it, so maybe there’s something terrible about it I’m unaware of, but I always loved those biodegradable graves with a tree planted on top as the marker, so your body basically fuels the tree.

I haven’t done a ton of research into it, so maybe there’s something terrible about it I’m unaware of, but I always loved those biodegradable graves with a tree planted on top as the marker, so your body basically fuels the tree.


haha oops, meant to say Bethesda. (Fallout 76 being nearly unplayable on release and of disappointing quality)

I’d argue, based on recent game releases and Bioware’s recent track record, worst case scenario is worse than “it’ll be fine”

Wow he really does view everyone as a robot doesn’t he..

Right, I didn’t think of the subscription services. Guess I haven’t jumped into that world yet so it isn’t on my radar.

Ah yeah that makes sense, thanks for the info.

Yeah I always found it weird when I hear that these major studios make all their money with software and rarely with hardware/console sales. (Don’t they even often lose money on console sales?) So it would make sense to me to not have exclusives and instead open your software sales up to as many people as you can.

Wonder when ninjas will cycle back in.

Yeah ok good point, my analogy was pretty bad..

So can I start a site where I just post all the articles you write under my name, and change the font and color and formatting to “make it my own”?

Whenever I see articles like this I just picture the management of Ford and Musk sitting in some exclusive club sipping scotch laughing at all the blogs and warriors online fighting for their behalf.

Seriously. It was a recommended/trending article on the side, I couldn’t tell what it was till I highlighted over the thumbnail and read the headline.  I’m not a crazy, anti-spoiler type person but eh, I’d avoid anything descriptions in my major show series finale review headline..

Couldn’t you treat every situation like this though? Don’t be quick to judge or criticize cause you never fully understand what a person is going through? Just cause someone is black or has alopecia doesn’t mean they automatically understand what Will and Jada have been going through. Maybe a rich white person in the

I often find the discourse surrounding From Software games pretty obnoxious. Feels like a critique of any film made by a historically revered director. Instead of criticizing mistakes, people wax poetic and write essays on how every “mistake” is actually designed with a purpose in mind.

You can argue that someone was in the wrong but still be empathetic to what they might have been going through. Which is what you’ve done, and I wish more people would do.