
The reason to play games is to have fun. Having a quest that requires me to click on a boulder, walk 5 steps, and drop the boulder, and then complete quest isn’t fun. Talking to someone, who tells me to talk to someone else, who tells me to talk to someone else, and then completing the quest isn’t fun. Starting a

I finally threw in the towel with this game. I really wanted to like it! And I kept hearing how great the endgame was! But apart from some fun abilities and set pieces, it just feels like so much busy work. And as I read about the endgame everyone raves about, it just sounds like more busy work..?

I just cringe thinking of the spaghetti mess of a code that game must be made of. Especially with it being as rushed as it was (despite the delays) I just imagine any fix is such a nightmare to make.

I don’t know what it feels like to wear a set of armor, or shot an arrow at something charging towards me, or hang glide off a mountain into a village, but I know what it feels like to be strolling through nature and be hit with a burst of wind, and hear it surge through the trees and brush. I think it’s just such a

Honestly, I wish they’d just stop adding more junk to grind for, and actually add depth to the universe. Flesh out the NPCs, the different races and civilizations, the economy, make it so the universe feels like a living breathing place, and not just a set for a ton of cardboard cut outs to stand around in.

I’ve been enjoying the game but this keeps taking me out of it. The animation caught my eye immediately. Like I’m supposed to be some badass demon assassin, and I’m strutting like I’m on a runway.

But I really don’t see how these are copies or plagiarism. They’re stylized, non-photo-real illustrations of photos. There’s no way someone could mistake one for another. The artist is without a doubt changing from the source material/reference and making it their own. They aren’t making these with the intent of

Art is built upon art, and nothing is made in isolation. It’s all a gradient, but people want to draw a line at things like tracing.  It’s odd to me, and kind of reeks of not understanding the process.  I could tell my 5 year old nephew to trace those photos, I promise you they wouldn’t come out looking as good.

If he profited but still credited the original would you be ok with it?

That’s my take on this. Do people really think anyone could just trace a photo and end up with a finished piece that looks like those? It still takes a lot of skill and creative decision making.

Seriously, I have neck disc issues, this thing looks great, don’t see how it’s laziness to want better support for your head/neck in different positions.

Sounds like a good solid game, but honestly the world changing and being dynamic depending on your choices was supposed to be the “next-gen” selling point of the game. It’s what everyone kept talking about. This just sounds like so many other open world games I’ve already played, which is fine I guess, but

Uh oh, we’re 400 hours short of our game length quota.

Initially it was reviewed as mediocre and unoriginal. So I never played it. Then suddenly it gained this huge following saying the “critics” were all wrong and it was one of the most underrated games of all time and should be played! So I picked it up on a sale, and guess what.

Even when I read the books the lack of an “official” map really bothered me. There were the widely accepted maps that fans made, but the fact that the author didn’t embrace the map making process when writing the books is crazy to me, isn’t that the best part of writing fantasy??

I’m not black so I can’t speak to the specifics of feeling like a black character in a game strikes the right chord or feels right. (But I understand it’s important, so I’m happy to see games like this pulling it off!)

I feel bad for you that you’re getting all those obnoxious arguments where if one thing in a universe is fictional suddenly nothing in the universe needs to make any sense or have any rules. It’s like when someone would complain about the logistics or timing of something in Game of Thrones and the argument back was

That animation is absolutely gorgeous. It’s enough to sell a game for me honestly.

Doesn’t this open up companies to wanting control over your home/home work space? Don’t understand all the nuances of this situation, but I wouldn’t love for my employer to have a say over my home office due to them being liable..

I’m so torn on these early access titles. I’ve been wanting to get this and many other games for a while, but I also know I’ll only play them once and can’t decide if waiting for a full release would be smarter.