though it’s important to recognize that not everybody will have the same takeaway. As the lines stand, they have two very opposite potentialities: the ability to subvert or the ability to reify negative stereotypes.
though it’s important to recognize that not everybody will have the same takeaway. As the lines stand, they have two very opposite potentialities: the ability to subvert or the ability to reify negative stereotypes.
Wartales is already released now. It already left early access on April 12?
This man committed a crime and confessed to it. There’s no debate there, and he served an appropriate amount of time behind bars.
that artists testimony is just too bleak, her career was basically decimated just like that
Like any good Marvel movie, it’s no accident that we already know that the Mario movie will have a post-credits scene.
More honest PR: “We’re looking into firing our writers but want to be sure they train the ML text generation script long enough for it to handily take their jobs”
not capitalizing in non-blogs is also a stylistic thing much like bell hooks and ee cummings so thank you for getting it ! i wanna also say tho for all the amazing readers here that my pronouns are they / them. nbd since i’m sure folks aren’t checking bios often but just wanted to put that out there :)
i love you for dragging me with the office, one of my fave shows lol i think of it as a stylistic choice. i could just write “perfect” and have a couple of times throughout this blog but i also try to inject some of my personal style as a writer in non-newsy posts. and as long as my editor’s cool with it i’m cool with…
Indeed, as someone above mentioned about everyday activities in games being enjoyable when tied in with sidequests, so it was in RDR2 as well. Tying a mundane activity to a compelling story is the epitome of good storytelling. RDR2's epilogue, especially, was fucking epic and is seared in my brain: especially the…
It’s a few years old at this point but Internet Historian made a pretty good video!
I’ve said this before but fuck it, it needs to be said again and again until people get the message. I will die on this hill.
Yeah I’m just replying here in regards to the thread, not necessarily the OP in particular.
There’s a huge difference between deciding that someone’s beliefs or behaviors are sufficiently intolerable for YOU to no longer support their work, and deciding that someone’s beliefs or behaviors are sufficiently intolerable…
If you think sales of a game have no impact on developers livelihood or continued employment then you're an idiot. The whole "well they were already paid to develop it" argument is such trash. If you got fired tomorrow I'm sure you'd be okay with it because you got your paycheck for last week.
And you’re kind of deluded if you think buying or not buying this game makes any meaningful impact on JK Rowling’s finances or bigotry. Not to mention you’re also deluded if you think this game was the sole product of JK Rowling. Go donate to Mermaids if you actually want to do something that makes a difference.
generally speaking, the thing that makes roleplaying choices interesting is the consequences of those choices
Cowboys, Ninjas, Pirates. The Holy Trinity.
The issue isn’t the size, its that what makes up that size is boring, repetitive, and tedious. I haven’t played Valhalla, but in Odyssey the desire to explore died for me very early, because there was never anything interesting to find. Its just icon chasing.
The Steam Deck’s price of entry is higher but in the long-term, the savings you get on actual games would more than make up for the price difference. PC gets great deals on games all the time, especially when you use reseller sites like GreenManGaming, Fanatical, CDKeys, Eneba, Humble, etc. Also, PC has free…
Seriously, I’m not a Pratt fan by any stretch, but the hate jerking for clicks on this shit is getting old. It’s fucking fine.
Seriously we need to stop this idea that Charles Martinet would be a good mario for 90 minutes. He does a fantastic job with the short quips and reaction lines but god if you hear him trying to do long form mario it is just grating and awful.