
I actually enjoy it more than I think I did as a kid. (Except when Marv slips on the icy stairs, the aging adult in me is terrified for his back)

Space Jam for me, I’ll never watch it again because I know without a doubt I’ll hate it.

If the creator didn’t want to make a 2nd season, they sure decided to end the first one in an odd way.

Right, the errors don’t seem like typos as much as some sort of technical glitch.

There are so many games on my steam wishlist that are simply there to keep the title in my memory until a potential Switch release comes. This was one and I can’t wait to play it!

I feel that way about sooo many properties. So many shows or movies do this incredible job of world/universe building, so rich with potential material, and then we follow the same 4 people around in remake after remake.

I’ve found this to be the case so often in fighting games. The characters that everyone touts as OP are the ones I do the absolute worst with. I think it basically comes down to the character might not be all around great, or forgiving for beginners, but just has a certain move or combo that is extremely powerful, and

Yeah it’s definitely subjective, I wouldn’t say it was terrible or ruined the entire show for me like some other finales can.

I was a little disappointed by the finale. I think I’m getting tired of shows never actually ending, and always leaving the door open for more. Especially cause often the “more” is a disappointment. I don’t even mean it all has to wrap up with a nice bow, but having a solid, well executed thematic ending is so rare.

Zelda would be incredible. Also just throw in a space mountain Star Fox ride. Ugh how did it take them this long to make a Nintendo theme park, so much potential with all of their properties.

Aside from the political angle of Chris Pratt, and people disliking him for that. Why are we pretending like Mario’s in game voice isn’t already a ridiculous, exaggerated cartoonish Italian accent? Suddenly we feel the voice actor for the game is trained in accents and was needed to bring that Italian authenticity to

I’m loving this concept of limited time demos on steam running alongside expos. Hope this catches on more. It also works out great alongside steam’s wishlist feature.

Commercial airlines didn’t start off by selling $77 tickets from NYC to LA to hundreds of people a day.

In my current apartment in the city I have a surprisingly large bird population that loves hanging out right outside my window on a power line and tree. All different types with different songs, particularly a cardinal that I hear and run to look at. (And mourning doves I try to mimic and get weird looks from both the

I wouldn’t mind this except my LG tv isn’t “allowed” to have the HBO Max app on it. (Even though LG recently began allowing it, my tv model is too old by a few years, makes absolutely no sense) I know I should just get a 3rd party streaming device like Apple tv, but it’s just frustrating being limited for such an

Let’s just hope for the voice actor’s sake that she doesn’t kill Kratos... -_-

I get how they freak people out.. But spiders eat the worst insect in existence, the mosquito, so I’m good with them. Fuck mosquitos.

Oh wow flying in a Horizon game would be incredible. Maybe they’re waiting for it to be the next big gameplay reveal?

When Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64 came out it it really felt like flying was one of the best ways to take advantage of 3d. There haven’t been as many games that let you fly freeform in an open world as I had thought there’d be. Though I guess many AC’s recently have let you, that always felt lacking to me for some reason

Good! Take what makes another game in the genre great and copy it! Then improve upon it. Also most of this game is just being able to play Smash but with Nick characters.

Wish we could somehow get a smash bros-esque game like this but magically free of all license ownership (I know, impossible), so the devs could just