
My favorite part of Star Wars was when Luke entered the cantina, and proceeded to run around and learn a single alien word from every villainous creature in there.

You might be getting that feeling about their movement cause the studio is using a lot of Mocap, so what you’re getting is kind of the motion/animation equivalent of the uncanny valley. (realistic movement with very stylized character design.)

Without a doubt. I played Assassin’s Creed Origins after RDR2 and I never rode the horse, it looked so wrong.

Yeah, my take away here is that because a lot of people are over-reacting on twitter, the possibility to acknowledge that they are both over-reacting and have valid complaints at the same time has been shut down, and instead the argument has to be made that visuals don’t add to the experience at all?

Imagine if instead she’d said goodmorning! I just wanted to say I pass by your Tigger flag every morning and it always brightens my day a bit, so just wanted to stop by and say thanks for cheering up the block a little.

I’m the exact same way. I really want to love it, and when I see new updates I get excited, but without fail I get into the game and the shallow nature of everything just kills my motivation.

I knew this was a scam! This is why you can’t trust developers to finish their games!

Wow what a flashback, completely forgot about this. I spent so much time with KidPix and never had any idea what I was actually doing.  I can’t wait for the surge of nostalgia I’m about to feel after clicking that link..

Ah you’re right, sorry about that.

It’s funny cause they actually fix the main stuff I didn’t like about the game, but removed the one thing I weirdly didn’t have a problem with. Am I the only one that had a great time with the motion controls? I liked having to hold the wiimote a certain way while Link ran to keep him from looking like a complete

Maybe not the Switch as hardware (since Nintendo has its exclusives) But it is without a doubt competing with Nintendo’s e-Shop. 80% of the games I’ve bought on the Switch I would have bought on Steam to use with a Steam Deck, without a doubt. If enough people feel that way, that could be a huge hit to their software

Kenan and Kel as one fighter like the Ice Climbers in smash!

I used to think that way but as I’ve learned more about spiciness and how it’s used in different cultures I’ve come to see that it’s definitely not just a mask to make something have flavor, like dumping a bunch of jalapenos on a bowl of rice haha

Here’s the situation I was talking about in case you’re curious-

Without a doubt, and I’d never argue that developers shouldn’t make an effort to accommodate as many people as they can. It’s funny you mention the issue of skill when it comes to dropping in and out of games. My schedule as a freelancer also leads me to flipping between having very little time to game, to then more

Wish I could edit my post and include this reply, perfect response. I definitely didn’t think of the gradient allowing for everyone to experience the challenge or spice at the same “level” but from a different starting point due to personal factors.

There’s a noodle place near me (guess it’s what I was thinking of in my example) that lets you do that, but has a disclaimer suggesting people not order it without the spice because it basically loses all its flavor and they were getting bad reviews from people saying the dish was bland.

Agree that the toxic culture you’ve described shouldn’t exist. And that challenge shouldn’t be about exclusivity or bragging rights. But isn’t it fair to say some games are designed with that challenge in mind, and removing it would basically ruin the game’s integral design? (rendering it not fun or successful in its

Oooo maybe they’ll add in a teleporting law enforcement system, it’d certainly fit the Witcher universe better!

Now playing

One of my favorite, and one of the best animators I’ve seen, Richard Lico. Really unbelievable work, I really hope people appreciate how incredible the character animation in these games is, cause it’s really on another level. So many people unfortunately equate animation with visuals. Animation is purely the

Of all the jobs that should be remote, this is one.  And at a 55K salary, NYC just doesn’t make sense..